Forum Discussion

bi's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Checksum on storage media failed to verify.


I have problem with restore data. When I wanted to this restore from tape (220GB), restore 148GB and I had error:

Completed status: Failed

Final error: 0xe000fe34 - A checksum of the data has failed.

Final error category: Resource Errors

What happened??

8 Replies

  • Hi,

    Please check for following read/write errors on the media properties, used for the restore.

    soft read

    soft write

    hard read

    hard write





  • soft read 7

    soft write 106

    hard read 0

    hard write 0




  • BackupExec 2012 14.0 1798 64bit.

    For 1000 backup have broken 5(errors: A checksum of the data has failed)

  • And one more :

    In Backupexec, when I click to server and restore, I choose Restore Files, then Date and Time when was backup, and then I see: This Item and all children are not included.

    I have a black square to select exactly what I want to recover. I select only the square wher I have Date and Time.



  • ...not sure why the previous poster never came back to you, but have you tried to repair the BEDB using BEutility.exe, as well as BE itself through Add/Remove Programs?


  • Yes, I tried to repir and doesn't work :(