Forum Discussion

twshelpdesk's avatar
12 years ago

Help with Robotic Tape Library after upgrading to BE 2012

Hi all,


So I recnetly upgraded from BE 2010 R3 to BE 2012 and things have not gone as smoothly as I was hoping.  We are using an IBM TS3100 Robotic Tape Library with 2x drives.


Firstly, I keep getting errors/emails as follows:

(Server: "OURSERVER") Library Expansion Option Violation. This server is licensed to support 0 tape drives in robotic libraries. However, the number of tape drives currently in use exceeds the license. You must purchase additional Library Expansion Options, or disable 1 tape drive. Please refer to product documentation for more information.

We had no such errors with 2010, so what am I missing?

Secondly, backups ran last night but a couple failed with the error:  

e0008821 - Job was recovered as a result of Backup Exec RPC service starting. No user action is required.

This is the same error I was having with 2010 R3, so I thought I better bring everything up-to-date before I asked for further help on this error.

Thirdly, since my backups ran last night, the job that failed is reporting that the tape is still in the drive.  I have used the library web gui to move the tape from the drive back into an empty slot, but no matter what I do to BE (restarting the server/restarting services etc) the drive still says that is active and has a tape in it.

Fourthly (if thats a word), as a result of the above point I thought that I would try to reconfigure my tape library settings/drivers etc.  I have ended up with the 2 x drives (one still showing as active/in use even though its not) but it does not seem to have detected the robotic tape library and I have no way to view the 'slots'.

Its a shame that the migration was not partiularly smooth!

  • ...if you stagger the start times there shouldn't be an issue with it.

    BE will report it in the drive if you use the library's web interface to interact with the library. BE has no knowledge of what is being done as a result...

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