Forum Discussion

Mark_McLaughl1's avatar
20 years ago

how to schedule 2 jobs

I need to run 2 seperate jobs, One for a SQL and one without. How do I schedule a job to run after another finishes. I have tried to configure with policies, but can't seem to get it right?

3 Replies

  • You can create a CMD or BAT file using BEMCMD to release the second job, and run that as a POST JOB from the first.

    Or you can get a "standard" run time for the first, and just schedule the second to start 5 minutes before the first usually ends.
  • Hello,

    As replied by Mr Ken Putnam to your query, you can schedule a first backup job. Check the time it usually takes to complete and then after 5 or 10 minutes you can schedule the second job.


    NOTE : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered" and would be moved to "answered questions" pool.
  • Thanks,

    I was hoping there was something I could do with the policies, but I can work with the answers given.

    I will close this thread as answered.