Forum Discussion

Wm_Harmon's avatar
Level 3
18 years ago

How You Lost a Customer

I will never even consider our product again for two reasons: 1.) After spending 60 minutes on hold on your licensing phone support, I gave up. I know it is a Saturday, but I was never told you were closed, I just gave up. and 2.) Your licensing process is non-functional and stupid. I've tried every number on two different documents to try to get the numbers I need to install your product on my customers server and not a one of them worked, so I wasted my Saturday and caused my customer to waste theirs as well, opening their data center on a otherwise closed Saturday. I purchased an Anti Spam / Anti Spyware / Anti Virus product from one of your competitors and their backup software installed itself with no problems and actually worked better by default than your product did after 4 hours of wasted time. I'll file this under "Lessons Learned" and get on with my life. My only true regret is that this customer is stuck with your product for at least the next 12 months until the support package I foolishly sold them ends, at which time I'll activate the product CA and be done with it.

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