Forum Discussion

gpn43's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

Hyper-V VM Incrementals same size as full

Hello, My hyper-v VM incremental backups are the same size as my full backups. The backups are going through the hyper-V host, they have GRT enabled, unticked box to run VM as full if inc is not s...
  • jurgen_barbieur's avatar
    10 years ago

    have a compare between the job log of the full backup and the joblog of an incremental backup.

    if I take a look in the job-log you provided, I see 3 backup sizes, and if I sum them together, the result is approx. 16 GB, which possibly is the size of an incremental. In the picture you show it just give the title "SIZE". 

    Maybe there is some problem in backupexec not showing the correct size in your backupsets summary.

    open a case at symantec to have a better look on this issue