Forum Discussion

sdcadmin's avatar
Level 5
14 years ago

Installing Remote Agent

I am trying to install the remote agent (BE 2010 R3) on a server in order to perform backups.  The program is located on a network share.  All of the other servers accessed the share and installed just fine; however, I have two servers that appear to read the .exe file as an HTML document.  A screen shot is attached.  Has anyone else had this problem or know how to work around the issue?



  • Have you tried running setup.exe from the RAWS32 or 64 folder?

    Also have you tried silent install(setupaa.cmd) of remote agent.

    The file in the screenshot is "main.htm" which does not come into picture while installing RAWS

  • Have you tried running setup.exe from the RAWS32 or 64 folder?

    Also have you tried silent install(setupaa.cmd) of remote agent.

    The file in the screenshot is "main.htm" which does not come into picture while installing RAWS

  • Have you tried pushing the install from your media server? From the Backup Exec Media Server Management Console, click on Tools | Install Agents and Media Servers on Other Servers, browse to your server and follow the prompts. Otherwise, as AmolZeroCool suggested, copy the RAWS## (32-bit or 64-bit as needed) folder from your media server to the server that you are trying to install on, and install using that.



  • I tried both methods.  I get the "main.htm" pop-up box again and the push stalls at 50%; Key: Writing system registry values, Name:, Value:

  • Have you tried copying the agent installers to the physical servers, rather than using a shared and trying.

    Also, try running the setup.exe, rather than the silent .cmd and checking the install log file for details, because this helped me when the silent installer bombed out

  • Hi William,

    I cannot say that I have seen this issue before. However, I looked at your screenshot, and you have the DVD browser running, and it looks like a white screen. This is a dialog that should have main.htm content loaded inside it. Since you are getting a prompt to save "Main.htm", I would gather that something has changed in your IE configuration preventing us from loading the web content, or there is a problem with the registration of Internet Explorer files on your system.

    If so, this can cause issues for our install as it uses Internet Explorer integration in the OS to create items like our log files, install summary pages and such. There is an existing technote which may help get these items reregistered, though its for a different issue. Here is the technote I am referring to:

    You may want to reach out to our support department for help with this issue. It is difficult to ascertain if this is the problem, or a symptom of another issue from just a screen shot.

    Hope this helps,

  • Amol,

    This is the correct solution.  I wasn't running it from the RAW32 folder as I thought I was.