Forum Discussion

6 Replies

  • ...if there is a filter option, then just filter for the successful jobs.


  • When I filter jobs, I would not see any failed jobs. I rather want to some of failed jobs.. those for which I don't check Job Log yet.

    I can delete job manualy from Job History, but when delete it, I lose access to job log.

    It will be nice if I can hide failed job after I check the reason why job failed. In that situation I will see in Job History only that failed jobs which need my attention.




  • Such a feature isn't available. Consider submitting this under the Ideas section & if enough customers agree, this can be considered.

  • Hello Przemek,
        You can use the Filter option and set the configuration as follows in Filter:

    Job type   >> Enable this Filter >> Backup
    Job Status >> Enable thisFilter  >> Failed
    Start Time >> Enable this filter >> within the last 2 hours

    This will ensure that it will display only those jobs which Failed in last 24 hours. You can edit the time as per your requirement.


  • You could achieve something close by not acknowledging alerts until you have dealt with the issue - and then use the alerts lists instead of the job log lists to manage your failed jobs.