Forum Discussion

Michele_2's avatar
Level 4
17 years ago

License Assessment Tool

I am trying to use the BELAT tool to assess my licenses now that I have upgraded to 11d. I find that the report is not showing the correct number (or perhaps I have a misunderstanding about how the license keys work).
My license certificates show the Serial number for the type of license I've bought (ex: AOFO) and a quantity for that license (ex: 25). For AOFO I have nine of these serial numbers but that equates to a quantity of 94. In the BELAT report it only says I have 9 license keys for AOFO.
Is this a bug or have I installed my keys wrong?

2 Replies

  • Not sure about that one.  I've never seen or used the BELAT tool.  You may want to contact your sales rep and ask them about it.
  • For what it's worth, last time I ran it, it reported about double the number of agents than were really out there.  It also had trouble reading my licenses, and just asked me to fill in the numbers of what I purchased.
    I'd rate this tool as "better than nothing" - but don't trust or reply on it.