Forum Discussion

Nigel_Robson's avatar
18 years ago

Loading Media after adding second Drive

We added a second SDLT 320 drive to our system, which is daisy-chained to our first drive.

now our first drive will start the job and write some data to the tape but will then eject the tape and displays the status 'Loading Media'. i have to insert a different tape for the process to continue. it happened this morning after writing only 13GB.

the drives are not in a Pool, just as 2 separate units. we have 2 jobs running on each one at separate times so they don't run together.

Any Ideas?

many thanks


3 Replies

  • I may have figured it out and it could be one of those d'oh moments

    the jobs were set to append to the media instead of overwrite the whole contents so on that tape from last night, there must have only been 13GB free and thats why it asked for a new tape.

    i'll test this today and post any updates


  • Hello,

    Thanks for the update we request you to keep us updated.
    Please revert if the issue persists.
