Forum Discussion

Rob_Cardy's avatar
18 years ago

Problems since drive upgraded to Sony SDX-560v

Two weeks ago our Sony AIT2 Drive died and had to be replaced with a Sony AIT2 Turbo drive SDX-560v. I have not been able to get this drive to work with BE 9.1.
I have searched the forums and tried eveything that has been suggested to other users but none of them seem to work for me.
I have updated to SP5 and installed the latest driver pack but all I am getting is an error message stating "incompatible media in robotic library" this seems strange when you consider I have not installed the robotic library component!
I have run the device configuration wizard and followed the instructions to clear the enable library option within the device properties but as soon as I click apply the box ticks itself again.
This is really driving me mad and I have been having a real headache with this for 2 weeks and we are without backups for this whole time so any help will be VERY greatly appreciated.
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