Forum Discussion

Karl_Green1's avatar
13 years ago

Protecting Volume Shadow Copies

Can Backup Exec protect the shadow copies created by Windows that allow you to see different versions of files that are on a file share?

I would imagine that a backup using System Recovery would restore the disk in exactly the same state as the time of backup: including any snapshots created by shadow copy process.

If it was a Backup Exec backup, how would you go about restoring an entire snapshot rather than reverting to a point in restore operation.  I've had a look on a BE2010 server and can see the Shadow Copies branch in the selection list but this doesn't include the 2 snapshots that are created every day by default.  Under MediaServer resources... ShadowCopyComponents... UserData... there is Deduplication Storage but will this protect the user data that is in the snapshots?  How about with BE2012?

  • Backup the shadows copy component (BE 2010 and earlier) or the system state (BE 2012).  This will backup your multiple copies.  You then restore the shadows copy component or the system to get them back.

7 Replies

  • FAO 'backup-exec' user: thanks for your reply but I'm interested in how to backup the snapshots created by Windows Shadow Copy... it's fine that there's no longer a branch in the job definition called "Shadow Copy Components" but how do I protect and restore the VSS snapshots?

  • I don't use shadows copy anymore so I cannot tell you exactly which file under the shadows copy component branch contains the shadows copy.  However, I do remember you do not see the individual files. They are in a container file, something like a zipped file.  You have to restore this container file to get back your shadows copy.

    To backup the shadows copy, you backup the shadows copy component if you a using BE 2010 and earlier and the system state if you are using BE 2012.

  • FAO 'backup-exec' user: thanks again, you now see what feature I use and therefore hopefully also see what feature I'm trying to protect.  Let's consider a scenario where my Windows Server fails and I need to do an OS restore... how can I ensure that I will still be able to use the 'shadow copy' 'previous versions' feature if all the snapshots have gone?  Can I protect these with Backup Exec?

  • Hi


    In case of link given for windows shadow copies will not be helpful in terms of your server is crashed but then with BE 2012 as I have shared link in my first post that should be enough to recover your server considering you have backup of C & system state together

    Also with BE 2012 they have brought new featue called SDR simplified disaster recovery please check the link below to read more on it


  • Backup the shadows copy component (BE 2010 and earlier) or the system state (BE 2012).  This will backup your multiple copies.  You then restore the shadows copy component or the system to get them back.