Forum Discussion

mcarlin99's avatar
Level 2
10 years ago

Quantum i80 IBM LTO6 on BackupExec 2014 missing drive

Hello I have a Quantum i80 device with 2 IBM UKTRIUM-HH6 LTO6 drives that I have updated the firmware on as Quantum has said.  It is shown that the drives will work with Backupexec 2014 once I update the firmware.  I have the drives attached by FC though a FC switch to the blade that is running the server.  This is a brand new install.  New 2012 R2 server and new tape library. 


I can see the Library in Backupexec with the two drives but one drive is always saying "missing device"  I have tried reboots and rediscovery a bunch of times but it still just says missing device.  Does anyone have any ideas?



9 Replies

  • Also the two tape drives appear to be configured differently - one is configured using LUNs and the other using a different SCSI Prt, you might want to look into this configuration and adjust so that both are using LUNs



  • Do you have 2 FC cables running to each tape drives (for a total of four FC cables for the library)?

    That might explain why you are seeing double entries in Windows Device manager.  Only having one cable to each tape drive is probably the best way to start troubleshooting and isolating issues.


                         Drives                  2

                         Drive Element 0         1035, "IBM     ULTRIUM-HH6     C38D4D4000"
                         Drive Element 1         1044, "MISSING DEVICE


    This shows that the library thinks that it has two tape drives, but BE can only see one of them. That is the Tape0 in your adamm.log.  You should also be seeing a Tape1 listed in the adamm.log.


  • [04172] 11/26/14 15:28:31.409 Device Driver Status:
    Scsi Address
    Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun   Status
    -------------------  -----------------------------------------------
    0000:0000:0006:0000  IBM     ULTRIUM-HH6     E4J6 [IBM     ULTRIUM-HH6     C38D4D4000] (White List User Mode Driver)
    0000:0000:0006:0001  QUANTUM Scalar i40-i80  172G [QUANTUM D1H0082018_LLA]             (White List User Mode Driver)
    0001:0000:0006:0001  QUANTUM Scalar i40-i80  172G [] (Undetermined)
    0000:0000:0095:0001  MISSING DEVICE          CAGM [MISSING DEVICE          MISSING_DRV_IN_LDR_90] (White List User Mode Driver)
    -------------------  -----------------------------------------------
    Scsi Address
    Prt :Bus :Tar :Lun   Attributes
    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0000:0000:0006:0000  Device Name             "\\.\Tape0"
                         Secondary Name          "\\?\scsi#sequential&ven_ibm&prod_ultrium-hh6#5&3b7418a4&0&000600#{53f5630b-b6bf-11d0-94f2-00a0c91efb8b}"
                         Primary Inquiry         "IBM     ULTRIUM-HH6     E4J6"
                         Serial Number           "IBM     ULTRIUM-HH6     C38D4D4000"
                         Device Flags            UMD, SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
                         Device State            3, Online
                         Device IDs              1035, {C0B6F8FC-812B-40CC-B08C-CF001AAB1C07}
                         Device Name             "Tape drive 0001"
                         Device Type             134283265, "LTO 64K (64K,10,0,E,HU)"
                         Device Features         0x005BFA7F: PB,SFB,SRB,WFM,SFF,SRM,PEOD,EL,LU,E,SBS,DC,SDC,TA,HU,RR,W,EN
                         Device Element          1040, 0
                         Device Block Limits     512 min, 524288 max
                         Device Hard Errors      0 write, 0 read
                         Device Soft Errors      0 write, 3 read
    0000:0000:0006:0001  Device Name             "\\.\Changer0"
                         Secondary Name          "\\.\Changer0"
                         Primary Inquiry         "QUANTUM Scalar i40-i80  172G"
                         Serial Number           "QUANTUM D1H0082018_LLA"
                         Device Flags            UMD, SCSI, SN(TYPE 0), SN(ELEMENT)
                         Device State            3, Online
                         Device IDs              1040, {C17059E4-224D-4F36-BB5A-A1C4BCC1B78D}
                         Device Name             "Robotic library 0001"
                         Device Type             2131755008, "CHANGER FS=1"
                         Device Features         0x00006200: PP,RMP,RRD
                         1st Slot Number         0
                         Number Of Slots         47
                         Portal Slots            5
                         Import/Export           Robotic
                         Drives                  2
                         Drive Element 0         1035, "IBM     ULTRIUM-HH6     C38D4D4000"
                         Drive Element 1         1044, "MISSING DEVICE          MISSING_DRV_IN_LDR_90"
    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0001:0000:0006:0001  Device Name             ""
                         Secondary Name          "\\.\Changer1"
                         Primary Inquiry         "QUANTUM Scalar i40-i80  172G"
                         Serial Number           ""
                         Device Flags            KMD, SCSI
                         Device State            1, Offline, ERROR = 0x0000007B (ERROR_INVALID_NAME)
    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    0000:0000:0095:0001  Device Name             "HARDWARE_FAILURE"
                         Primary Inquiry         "MISSING DEVICE          CAGM"
                         Serial Number           "MISSING DEVICE          MISSING_DRV_IN_LDR_90"
                         Device Flags            UMD, SCSI, SN(TYPE 0)
                         Device State            3, Online
                         Device IDs              1044, {26724754-9AEC-441A-A1DA-EA80EC5B86F9}
                         Device Name             "Tape drive 0002"
                         Device Type             0, "***"
                         Device Features         0x00020000: HU
                         Device Element          1040, 1
                         Device Block Limits     512 min, 65536 max
                         Device Hard Errors      0 write, 0 read
                         Device Soft Errors      0 write, 0 read
    -------------------  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    [04172] 11/26/14 15:28:32.432 Start Rsm Support:
    [04172] 11/26/14 15:28:32.443 Device Discovery End:
    [06244] 11/26/14 15:28:32.714 PvlDrive::UpdateOnlineState()
           Drive = 1044 "Tape drive 0002"
           ERROR = The device is offline!
    [06244] 11/26/14 15:28:32.714 Begin dump of device's SCSI history
    [06244] 11/26/14 15:28:32.725 End dump of device SCSI history
    [04172] 11/26/14 15:28:33.125 Disk mapping for Win32:
    Win32 name               NT internal name
    ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    C:                      \Device\HarddiskVolume2
    PhysicalDrive0          \Device\Harddisk0\DR0
    PhysicalDrive1          \Device\Harddisk1\DR1
    PhysicalDrive2          \Device\Harddisk2\DR2
    Harddisk0Partition1     \Device\HarddiskVolume1
    Harddisk0Partition2     \Device\HarddiskVolume2
    ------------------------ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  • Please have a Sequential Power Cycle performed.

    If the drive still shows as Missing Drive, please attach the ADAMM log here if possible.

    The location would be C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs\ADAMM.log


  • There is something wrong in the way your library is configured. It is appearing twice in your screenshot and it probably has Quantum driver. BE expects it to only appear once as an Unknown Medium Change with a Microsoft driver. You should consult your vendor as to how tm to configure it as such
  • That did not seem to work.  I uninstalled the LEO and it removed the second drive then re added it.  The second drive came back but the same error. 

  • ...remove the LEO license and re-add it.

    If it worked with a previous version, and all you did was a clean installation then zoning isn't the issue.


  • I am not sure what you mean by the FC zoneing.  But windows sees the deivces and I have the Library Exansion Option installed. Maybe its the control path?





  • Did you configure the fibre channel zoning correctly ?

    Are the two drives visable in windows device manager ?

    Do you have a LEO (Library Extension Option) installed ?