Forum Discussion

EvgeniyL's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

Restore data to network drive

Hello all,

I want to restore files from a virtual server on a network drive, with technology GRT, because I have no place on a local drive


this folder "1" map as mklink /D to another PC(Windows 7)

Backup Exec R3 seeing this folder like disk


after starting, the task ends with error

Job ended: 26 апреля 2013 г. at 10:44:22
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe00095b3 - Unable to create the virtual disk.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-38323

Log SGMon:

BEREMOTE: [04.26.13 10:40:48] [0000]     04/26/13 10:40:48 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-LIB   : CREATE: "M:\1\IMG000001\CACT-VS.vmdk" -- monolithicSparse capacity=20971520 (10 GB) adapter=buslogic grainSize=128
BEREMOTE: [04.26.13 10:40:49] [0000]     04/26/13 10:40:49 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-LIB   : Cannot create file "M:\1\IMG000001\CACT-VS.vmdk": The command completed successfully (7)
BEREMOTE: [04.26.13 10:40:49] [0000]     04/26/13 10:40:49 [fsys\vmvcb\pdi]     - Could not create the local disk M:\1\IMG000001\CACT-VS.vmdk. Error Text: 'You do not have access rights to this file' Error: '163208757261'
BEREMOTE: [04.26.13 10:40:49] [0000]     04/26/13 10:40:49 [ndmp\loops]         - LP_ENV::MsgError: error 0xe00095b3 processing object CACT-VS\CACT-VS.vmdk
BENGINE:  [04.26.13 10:40:50] [0000]     04/26/13 10:40:49 [server]             - Updating status for: 'Restore 01900' (0x27 0x0)
BENGINE:  [04.26.13 10:40:50] [0000]     04/26/13 10:40:49 [server]             - Status for: 'Restore 01900' updated

Permissions on the directories are full. When restoring some of the files in this directory are created and deleted, not the file vmdk.

  • I find answer to my question.

    1. We bought a disk of a certain size

    2. Connect the drive to another server or PC (on which there is no SBE)

    3. Map this disk to server with SBE

    4. Create VHD(server with SBE) specify a mapped drive (there may be a problem, need a little fix registry

    5. Format and assign a drive letter

    6. Can now restore data to network drive with GRT

  • I am not sure we support a remote mount like that as a GRT staging location - at very least I don't think we have ever tested it and therefore won't have designed Backup Exec to allow it.

    Basically if restoring from tape we need a local NTFS disk location (with enough disk space) as the staging area and assuming you are also redirecting the files and not restoring to orignal location you then also need to specify in the file redirection section (so not the vmware section) of the restore job for where you want the restored files to be placed.

    This staging area requirement is why we recommend that GRT enabled backup jobs use disk targets, as then the data is already on disk so no further staging needed and the restore job takes a lot less time time complete (an added bonus)

    In the past where a customer had not realized this and not had enough space for the staging area, we have managed to use a locally attached USB disk (make sure it is NOT using a 4k sector size and is NTFS formatted)  You could also try an iSCSI attached location as another option.



  • Hello Evgeniyl,

        You can not stage the data to any mapped drive or to any remote drive. Staging can only happen to the local drive of Media server.

    As mentioned since you have a low space available on the Media server what you can do is to attach a USB hard drive where you can stage the data during restore.

    Another method would be to create a Backup-to-Disk folder on remote server and then duplicate the backups from tapes to disk... I hope this will help.




  • Sush

    Duplicate can be done only for new backups jobs, but then I would have no place on a network drive and I can not restore data how to make duplicate for restore job?

  • You can duplicate for completed backup jobs as well. Choose the option New Duplicate Backup Job & then choose the option to duplicate existing sets. You would need to create a B2D on any server which has sufficient free space.

  • I find answer to my question.

    1. We bought a disk of a certain size

    2. Connect the drive to another server or PC (on which there is no SBE)

    3. Map this disk to server with SBE

    4. Create VHD(server with SBE) specify a mapped drive (there may be a problem, need a little fix registry

    5. Format and assign a drive letter

    6. Can now restore data to network drive with GRT