Forum Discussion

DDS_Support's avatar
10 years ago

Symantec Backup Exec10d Service Pack

Hi there,

Please can someone advise where to get the latest patch's / service packs for Backup Exec 10d.

I am sure we are on SP5 now but my media server is 10.1 Rev5629 and cannot see any installed updates.

The issue is the job engine fails when trying to restore we have built the catolog files from scratch also the jobs but no joy below is the error we are getting

"Faulting application bengine.exe, version 10.1.5629.0, faulting module catcommon.dll, version 10.1.5629.0, fault address 0x0000ed01"

All help very much appricaited.

Cheers Direct Data System.


  • Sent you the PM with the download link for SP4.

8 Replies

  • I believe SP4 was the last update for BE 10.1 & I could PM the download link over to you.

  • Hi Vjware,

    Please if you could that be great i would like to get the software upgraded to the latest SP.

    Kind regards


  • Sent you the PM with the download link for SP4.

  • Thanks VJware hopefully site can find the disk for the software then i can get it installed and hopefully solve the problem.

  • HI,

    Could you PM me the download link for this too.

    Thanks for your help.

  • I also need the latest Service Pack for BE 10d - please send me the link as well. Thanks in advance.

  • Thanks for the suggestion. However, I just tried to do so, and my message was rejected by a spam filter. Any suggestions on how to get around that?