Forum Discussion

Yan_Thung_Seng's avatar
10 years ago

The Backup Exec Server Service did not start. An internal error (-1) occurred in object 51

Hi all,

  I am really having bad experience with Symantec backup exec. I upgraded my CASO to from BE 12 to BE 14. The MMS remain as BE12. Lately the MMS failed to work with CASO and Symantec support advise us to upgrade the MMS to BE14. However we keep having problem in the upgrading process. The installer keep thinking that the BE12 doesn't have SP4 which is required from the upgrade.

  Symantec support advise us to install BE 12, and do a fresh install of BE 14. I did that and loss everthing. Ok I have no choice to start from fresh and hope for a fresh start. However, the upgraded node stop working after joing to the CASO. The backup exec server service failed to start with the following error message

The Backup Exec Server Service did not start.  An internal error (-1) occurred in object 51


I did a net search, seems like remove the MMS feature and everything shall work. However I am unable to untick the option anymore.

I tried uninstall and do another clean install (deleting all symanec folders and registry). The problem persist. I am waiting for Symantec to contact me but it seems like I will lose my full backup windows this weekend.

Any advise from expert here?



  • Dear all,

    eventually found out was due to SSL issue. CASO have SSL disabled but the MMS wasn't. It caused me entire weekend to find out.


    Thanks for all for help

4 Replies

  • See these documents
  • Dear all,

      Thanks for immediate response. I do have CASO server and I intend to add the mms node to the CASO.


      I checked, my be service account doesn't have the delegation clicked. I have click "Trust this users for any services (kerboas). I did a AD replication and restarted CASO and MMS twice. However the problem is still persist.

      Do I miss anything?



  • Open a cmd and browse to the Backup Exec directory. Run the following command and attach the output here -

    beserver.exe -console

  • Dear all,

    eventually found out was due to SSL issue. CASO have SSL disabled but the MMS wasn't. It caused me entire weekend to find out.


    Thanks for all for help