Forum Discussion

dalbs's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

VTL Unlimited Drive Option Trial

Hi, can you trial the full Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option if you have other full licenses installed in Backup Exec 2012?

We need to know if we can use more than one drive in one VTL in trial mode whilst we wait for the full license. It only mentions that we need a license to use more than one drive per VTL in the documentation i've read, not what's available when in trial mode.

Thank you for your help.

  • In my setup, i just installed BE with VTL support. Once done i have seen the license information and surprisingly it is showing Virtual Tape library unlimited drive option is licensed and installed.

    Just check in your setup also... Click on backup exec button --> Installation and Licensing --> License Information.

  • Extract from TN: "Virtual Tape Library Support is now installed by default.  This option supports additional drives in a Virtual Tape Library (VTL), and Backup Exec includes support for every single-drive VTL. To support additional drives in each VTL, you must purchase the Virtual Tape Library Unlimited Drive Option"


  • Thanks. That's what i've read already.

    So, to clarify, you can't trial the use of multiple drives per VTL? So i'll need to wait until we get the full license and in the meantime, i can only use one drive per VTL?

  • Yes, seems to be. I am checking in test setup, if i can see any other option for using it i will let you know.

    But if i am remembering correctly, other than VTL support there was nothing related to VTL to install.

  • In my setup, i just installed BE with VTL support. Once done i have seen the license information and surprisingly it is showing Virtual Tape library unlimited drive option is licensed and installed.

    Just check in your setup also... Click on backup exec button --> Installation and Licensing --> License Information.

  • Thank you for looking Kiran. I'm hoping the information under license information is as clear as it should be and we will be able to use multiple drives whilst we are waiting for the license to be processed by Symantec. Unfortunately, i won't find out until i access the console tomorrow.

  • .....and Symantec Licensing team would be able to help you with exact information about this option availability in trial and licensing details.