Forum Discussion

Andrew_Syrov's avatar
10 years ago

Where can I download BackupExec 2012 SDR ISO ?


Where can I download BackupExec 2012 SDR ISO ?


Best regards,


  • The reference blog is only valid when BE 2012 was the current release.  Since it is no longer the current release, BE 2012 and the SDR disk image cannot be found on

    The only place to download BE 2012 SDR ISO image is from  You will need a product licence to access the site. 

  • This should help -

    Though instead of the trialware site, using the serial number, you can access

    If you do not have the serial number for BE 2012 or if the portal is showing the files for a different BE version, contact Licensing to obtain the BE 2012 serial number and then access the site for download.

  • The reference blog is only valid when BE 2012 was the current release.  Since it is no longer the current release, BE 2012 and the SDR disk image cannot be found on

    The only place to download BE 2012 SDR ISO image is from  You will need a product licence to access the site. 

  • Hello!

    Thank You very match! The software was successfuly downloaded.

    Best regards,


    • DiegoMZA's avatar
      Level 2

      Hi! Where you can get SDR ISO for BE 2012? Thanks!


      I can't find it on fileconnect....

      • Colin_Weaver's avatar

        Unfortunately due to legal reasons Veritas can no longer provide the SDR disk as a pre-created download.

        This is covered by this document

        Any Backup Exec 2012 customer that does not already have the SDR disk downloaded and intends to use SDR will have to upgrade to a later version of Backup Exec where you can make an SDR disk directly without needing the downloaded ISO. 

        Any Backup Exec 2012 customer that cannot upgrade  (and does not already have an SDR disk) will have to use manual DR processes (where you re-install the operating system with same name and ip address  into a workgroup and then install the required BE components to do the restore)

        Note 1: Backup Exec 2012 is in EOL status and support is already limited  as such this legal SDR limitation in conjunction with the support status for that version should justify planning an upgrade.

        Note 2: Any 3rd  parties that provide copies of the BE 2012 SDR disk are potentially also in breach of the legal terms and conditions for the distribution of WinPE