Forum Discussion

Sridhar_sri's avatar
15 years ago

Is virtual host name created in cluster

Hi Gurus,
                    I have a question related to Veritas Cluster 5.0. I have configured HA setup using two nodes. I have installed my prodcut in both the nodes. Now I can access my product using the Virtual IP address. But the fact is my product runs based on the server hostname. So as like as Virtual IP address , if there is virtual hostname then i dont want to install product on both the nodes. Instead i can use a storage array in between and install prodcut on that storage array using virtual hostname which is created when configuring the cluster.

Can anyone help me on this problem.

With Regards,

14 Replies

  • Thanks Wally for your wonderful support.

    As you iterated already, there is no such lanmen  resource for solaris environment. Just let me know if you have any idea for solaris also as like as windows.

  • I think you are unfortunate for Solaris.... :-( 

    Not sure how you will workaround this.. you won't have a supported or trusted solution here I believe....

  • Thanks Gaurav,
        i will try to do some workaround in solaris. If i got any i will post the same in this forum.

  • Hi, Sri,

    which version of solaris you are working with? There are Solaris Virtual Machines called Container in Solaris 10 and per Patch also in Version 9.

    With this you can do the following:
    - make a Solaris Container, probably one that is owning only a few things (shared all zone) what is making an own environment, especially a hostname, take care for the switchable disks!
    - make this zone switchable (only two files per node have to be changed / created)
    - install your application into this zone, the most things are delivered by the global zone then and only the hostname by the local zone
    - configure the Cluster environment, take especially care for the attribute "Container" for the few things delivered by this container
    - be happy!!

    Result of this will be an installation where volume manager, volumes, mount points, nics etc. comes from the global zone and hostname and ip adress from the local zone. Your service group spans both zones.

    This is a very elegant method to provide not only a virtual server name through an ip adress but a really existing hostname for applications what are hostname aware, not logical interfaces aware.

    Best regards