Forum Discussion

kevinbwood's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

Complianc Accelerator evbaadmin cannot connect to server

Upgraded EV and CA from 9 SP2 to 10 SP4 (via the approved upgrade paths.

Now, when trying to connect to evbaadmin on the CA server, get the error cannot connect to server.

(and the Configuration DB and the Customer Databases were upgraded at each step.)

We were/are trying to get the journaling connector configured.



  • The EV Accelerator manager service was running the entire time.  (We even stopped and restarted it.)

    We attempted to repair.

    FINALLY got error messages in the event log. Stated there was a discrepany between the binaries (Event ID 188 and 201).

    Gets stranger, The event log stated there was a prblem between the CA 9 SP2 and EV 10 SP4 binaries.

    We checked the CA configuration database (tblversion) it showed CA 8 SP4 (so apparently there was a previous upgrade as well (well before my time on this upgrade). )

    And now the really strange part. . .  while we were talking to support to open a ticket, the EVBAAdmin page DID open (We really DID upgrade the caonfiguration and customer databases during the upgrade and really DID try to open the evbaadmin page a number of times).

    When the page DID open (while we had support on the phone, we weere able ti enter the DB server info and click use existing database (entered the name). It upgraded teh configuration database and allowed us to upgrade (again) the customer database. (from 8 SP4)

    Checking the tblversion in the database, it now shows the correct version.

    VERY unusual.  But I doa ppreciate your consideration of this issue.


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  • We did upgrade the CA and DA before upgrading EV.  (and upgraded the configuration and customer databaes before upgrading the EV as well.

  • Woody,

    You mentioned an error reported between the CA 9 SP2 and EV 10 SP4 binaries.  This is because CA MUST be at the same or greater version than EV.  It sounds like you upgraded EV before upgrading CA.  That placed you in an unsupported configuration. For future reference, be sure to upgrade CA before upgrading EV so you can be in a supported environment.

    Our documentation states that CA (and DA) must be at the same or greater release then EV, but the way it is explained has been misunderstood or overlooked from time to time.  The documentation that is coming with EV 11 will clearly state that CA (and DA) must be upgraded before EV with present in an EV environment.

  • The EV Accelerator manager service was running the entire time.  (We even stopped and restarted it.)

    We attempted to repair.

    FINALLY got error messages in the event log. Stated there was a discrepany between the binaries (Event ID 188 and 201).

    Gets stranger, The event log stated there was a prblem between the CA 9 SP2 and EV 10 SP4 binaries.

    We checked the CA configuration database (tblversion) it showed CA 8 SP4 (so apparently there was a previous upgrade as well (well before my time on this upgrade). )

    And now the really strange part. . .  while we were talking to support to open a ticket, the EVBAAdmin page DID open (We really DID upgrade the caonfiguration and customer databases during the upgrade and really DID try to open the evbaadmin page a number of times).

    When the page DID open (while we had support on the phone, we weere able ti enter the DB server info and click use existing database (entered the name). It upgraded teh configuration database and allowed us to upgrade (again) the customer database. (from 8 SP4)

    Checking the tblversion in the database, it now shows the correct version.

    VERY unusual.  But I doa ppreciate your consideration of this issue.


  • So the upgrade succeeded to the point the CA binaries are now at the 10.0.4 version AND the configuration and customer databases have also upgraded to the 10.0416 schema version.  Interesting.  The error you've received normally comes after the upgrade and when attempting to upgrade the configuration database.

    So, if the CA configuration and customer databases have been upgraded, you need to confirm the Enterprise Vault Accelerator Manager Service (EVAMS) is still running and that you're logged on as the Vault Service Account (VSA) when attempting to access the EVBAAdmin site.  Only the VSA is allowed to be the identity for EVAMS and to access the EVBAAdmin site.

    Also, upgrading the Journal Connector just needs to have the name of the CA Configuration database and the VSA credentials in order to complete the upgrade successfully.  If your Journal Task fails in a few minutes after starting and you have a Symantec Enterprise Vault Event Log error stating a problem with the Journal Connector, you need to edit the JournalTask.exe.config file in the EV installation folder (default location is 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault').  Look for the line that has the name of the SQL Server in the 'server=' placeholder and the name of the CA configuration database in the 'initialCatalog=' placeholder.  Make sure the name of the SQL Server is correct, including any special SQL instance that may be on the SQL Server and hosting the CA configuration database.  Also ensure the name of the CA configuration database is correct.  As long as this information is correct and EVAMS is running on the CA server, the Journal Task should work fine, regardless of any abilty to access the EVBAAdmin site.

    Let us know what you find, please.  We'll be glad to help as much as we are able to resolve your issue.