Forum Discussion

Baron164's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

Compliance Accelerator cannot open attachments

When a CA user tries to open some attachments (not all) they recieve this error. It doesn't happen every time the user tries to open attachments but it happens enough to be an issue. I'm hoping someone can point me in the right direction.

Failed to download attachment

User:  domain\user
Customer: 2
Server:  localhost
Domain:  Accelerator Client Domain


   at Accelerator.Client.Review.ReviewPresenter.OnReadingPaneHyperlinkClicked(Uri uri)
   at Accelerator.Client.Review.ReviewPresenter.DoCommand(String commandName, Object commandArg)
   at Accelerator.Client.Review.ReviewPresenter.m_view_ViewCommand(Object sender, ReviewRoutedEventArgs e)
   at Accelerator.Client.Review.ReviewView.ReviewView_Review(Object sender, ReviewRoutedEventArgs e)

Object reference not set to an instance of an object.:

   at Accelerator.Client.Review.NativeDownloadManager.DownloadOriginal(Int32 proxyID, ItemIDType itemIDType, Int64 itemID, Int32 attachmentID)
   at Accelerator.Client.Review.ReviewPresenter.OnReadingPaneHyperlinkClicked(Uri uri)

  • Given the issues you are seeing with the search page and CA for the same item I would recommend getting support on the line.  It might turn out to be an issue with the actual items in Domino and I think they can help you find it faster then what we can do through the forum.

7 Replies

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  • Sorry, I am not entirely certain of the issue, do you mean to say that sometimes the user can open the attachments but later those same attachments fail to open while other attachments never have an issue?

    Is this for all users or just one?

  • Only one user actually uses Compliance Accelerator. She is unable to open some attachments and attachments open fine with no issues. For example she tries to open a PDF in an email but gets the error. If she goes back later she still won't be able to open the PDF. But she can go to a different email and open a PDF attachment without issue.

  • ok, gotcha.  So the items that error never open.  If you search the Journal archive directly through the Web Search does it open? 


    What version of CA and EV? Try to open same items from the EV webapp(search.asp or AE). If you have a same problem then it can be due to known recombine issue with EV (Resolved in latest version) or problem with the items itself.

  • They are running EV, upgrading to 10 is not really in the cards just yet. When I search for one of the items in the web search and try to open the whole item I get 500-Internal Server Error, There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed. If I'm looking at the message contents, towards the bottom where it lists the attachment is has  a Document Icon button outline but no graphic for it. If I click that link nothing happens. I tried this on a couple different emails with different types of attachments it does the same thing for all the effected messages. They are journalling through Domino if that makes any difference to the conversation.

  • Given the issues you are seeing with the search page and CA for the same item I would recommend getting support on the line.  It might turn out to be an issue with the actual items in Domino and I think they can help you find it faster then what we can do through the forum.

  • Yeah, I was afraid of that, I always try the forums first because it's usually faster and less painful. If its' a domino issue then it stops being my problem so I'm ok with that. My guess is that it's something to do with how domino is journalling the email. I'll call them tomorrow and see what they say.