Forum Discussion

NM_Tech's avatar
11 years ago

EV Compliance Accelerator questions

Hi All,    Hoping someone here can shed some insight on a couple items our compliance department want cleared up. a.      Delete the large test pool of open items on our enterprise vault? b. ...
  • Kenneth_Adams's avatar
    11 years ago

    Hello, Nick;

    In answer to your questions:

    a. We do not support any means of deleting accepted sampling or searching hits that have been accepted into a Department review set other than deleting the Department.  To go in and manually hack the database to remove those items invalidates the entire Department.  It is best to note the Department's sampling percentages, Monitored Employees, Reviewers, Escalation Reviewers, Exception Employees, and any scheduled searches, then delete the Department and recreate it.  It may be quicker to stand up a new CA Customer and create new Departments.  The decision to rebuild your existing CA Customer or create a new one (then delete the original) is yours to make.

    b. If you are using Random Sampling, you cannot white-list or -black-list e-mail addresses or domains through CA as Random Sampling takes ALL messages that are journal archived.  You have 2 other options, though.  One option is to create a Custom Filter to have such messages archived into a different archive than the journal archive or deleted all together before archiving.  The other option is to use ACE if on EV 9.0 or DCS if on EV 10.  ACE and DCS have rules that can be configured to apply a tag to include or exclude messages based on certain criteria that you can specify (such as SMTP addresses, words or phrases).  Using ACE or DCS allows those items to be journal archived, yet forcibly included or excluded from sampling.  They can still be included in searches if desired, though.

    c. We do allow for fractional percentages, but you may be better serviced by using Statistical Sampling where you can cap the number of items included by Random Sampling.  Searches would not be affected by this type of sampling, so you can still get whatever hits you can from searching.

    d. If you have your CA Reporting configured on a SQL Reporting Service that has a Reporting Account used instead of the Vault Service Account, your users could access the reports by accessing the ReportServer site using Internet Explorer.  CA is designed to allow each user with the proper permission (View Reports) to create and see their own reports, but it soes not allow other users with the proper permission to see other users' reports.  The CA Customer database has a table named tblPermission that lists all possbile permissions within CA.  From this table, we see the "View Reports" permission has the following description:

    "Lets you create and view reports.  As the scope of reports may be wider than just the department  employees with this permission in a department can only view their own reports."

    I hope this information help.  Let us know if you have any additional questions or need any explanation to the information I've provided.