Forum Discussion

3 Replies

  • If the DLO is separated from BE, by installing Symantec DLO 7.0, all the data in the storage location remains intact.

    The backup operations are not repeated. So, the Agents need NOT resend the data.


  • It's a simple inplace upgrade from existing DLO to SDLO7.0. It would create separate instance for DLO Database and all your data would remain intact and would be migrated to be used by SDLO 7.0.

    Existing DLO agents needs to be updated, however, their backup schedule and selection wouldn't change. As we are migrating the existing DLO Database to the new one it carries all the settings even the encryption key so the user doesn't have to loose anything.


  • Thanks very much, I think I'll test it just in case before rolling out BE2012. Good to know how it should carry out before hand anyway.

    Cheers eavinash and NeerThadarai,