Forum Discussion

smithj's avatar
Level 6
10 years ago

Communications with the DLO services are down


I'm getting the following message after installing the DLO 7.0 console on a windows 2008 server.

       Communications with the DLO services are down. Check to see if

       DLO services are running on 'DLOServer'

This happens when I try to launch the console. I am in the process of testing an upgrade from version 7.0 to a newer version and I am trying to install

the DLO 7.0 console on a new separate test server. I have tried the suggestions in the below article and I am still getting the above message

The Symantec DLO services are all running and running with the accounts shown below:

    SQL Server (DLO) - Adminstrator Account

    Symantec DLO Administration Service - Administrator Account

    Symantec DLO Maintenace Service - Local System


Any help is greatly appreciated



6 Replies

  • Does the Administrator account have sysadmin rights ?

    Any error in the event viewer ?

  • Easiest way to check would be via SQL Management Studio.

    You could try assigning this right via a cmd:-

    sp_addsrvrolemember 'testdomain\DBAdmin1','sysadmin'"


    sqlcmd.exe -E -S MachineName\SQLEXPRESS -Q "EXEC
    sp_addsrvrolemember 'testdomain\DBAdmin1','sysadmin'"

    Lastly, enable remote connections to the SQL instance. Click on Start  - Run and type cliconfg

    Do ensure "Named Pipes" and "TCP/IP" protocols are enabled. Restart the services for the changes to take effect.

  • Hi VJware

    I tried your suggestions and it's still the same, see attached



  • If the same event is logged, then possibly sysadmin rights have not been properly assigned. I would recommend to check if it has rightly assigned using SQL Management Studio. This KB will help -

    If it has been, please enable logging on the DLO server, retry to launch the DLO console and pls attach / pm the log.

  • Hi VJware

    I managed to get this working. I ended up resetting the VM Server completely, adding the account to local Admin group, lowering UAC settings and installing DLO as Run As Admin. It may have been a case that the account I was using wasn't a local Admin.

    Thanks as always for your suggestion and assistance
