Forum Discussion

InsentraCameron's avatar
10 years ago

DLO 7.6 - Auding


Customer question "There was also an outstanding question regarding what logs are retained in the DLO DB that can be used to audit user activity."


I have looked at the logs in DLO and there does not appear to be much in the way of auditing admin access.

Is it possible to pull any other "audit" information from the DLO database?

If not, are there any other strategies to get audit information from DLO?




  • From audit perspective- DLO generates detailed information on its operation in the form of Client logs, Sever logs, Alerts with notification and Reports.


    On client side:


    End user with “Display the complete Interface” permission can perform backup, restore and file synchronization activity.

    From audit perspective client logs gets generated for Backup, Restore, Move user, Maintenance cycle and Dedupe synchronization events.


    Logs can be saved for audit and archival purpose.


    Logs will have all details like Start time, Stop time, File transferred count (local destination/remote destination), Files Size transferred (local destination/remote destination) etc.

    DLO Log Viewer has search and filter capabilities e.g.  Logs by start and end date, Specific file search with wild card entries, Filter by Errors/Warning/Info  etc.


    For details refer admin guide: Page 246   “Monitoring job history in desktop agent”.


    On Server side:


    Admin can see all logs mention above with additional capability to filter details by machine and user.


    Refer Page 162  “Monitoring DLO job Histories”


    DLO administrator performs several administrative activities right from deployment, configuration, Backup, Restore, Files synchronization, monitoring and reporting.


    DLO has rich set of reports on Alerts, History, Jobs Status, User Status, Backup percentage and many more with filter and export capability for audit and archival purpose.


    Refer page 190   “DLO reports”

  • From audit perspective- DLO generates detailed information on its operation in the form of Client logs, Sever logs, Alerts with notification and Reports.


    On client side:


    End user with “Display the complete Interface” permission can perform backup, restore and file synchronization activity.

    From audit perspective client logs gets generated for Backup, Restore, Move user, Maintenance cycle and Dedupe synchronization events.


    Logs can be saved for audit and archival purpose.


    Logs will have all details like Start time, Stop time, File transferred count (local destination/remote destination), Files Size transferred (local destination/remote destination) etc.

    DLO Log Viewer has search and filter capabilities e.g.  Logs by start and end date, Specific file search with wild card entries, Filter by Errors/Warning/Info  etc.


    For details refer admin guide: Page 246   “Monitoring job history in desktop agent”.


    On Server side:


    Admin can see all logs mention above with additional capability to filter details by machine and user.


    Refer Page 162  “Monitoring DLO job Histories”


    DLO administrator performs several administrative activities right from deployment, configuration, Backup, Restore, Files synchronization, monitoring and reporting.


    DLO has rich set of reports on Alerts, History, Jobs Status, User Status, Backup percentage and many more with filter and export capability for audit and archival purpose.


    Refer page 190   “DLO reports”