Forum Discussion

chrissodead's avatar
10 years ago

Error DLOlastbackupbyuser_en.rdl DLO 7.5 SP1

Hi professionals~

"An error occurred while running the report "Last Backup Status by User".

Please check the report file "DLOlastbackupbyuser_en.rdl" is correctly installed.(0x80040E07)


Only appears that a certain login user has this error message when users "DAY to DAY" reports are generated.

Has removed the admin's windows profile, but the error message came back after a few months later.

Has tried repair, and it didnt resolve the issue.


Not urgent but good to know. :)

What might be caused by this?

Registry ?


  • If the issue occurs when selected dates are applied, you are probably facing this issue -

5 Replies

  • If you receive the report generation error only for a specific user, then its most likely an issue with the SQL permissions.

    Using SQL Management Studio, do ensure this user is added under Security - Logins. Secondly, give this user "sa" / "sysadmin" rights.

    If you receive the report error for any users, then check if the registry entries are correctly populated or not as per

  • It only occurs reports for the "Last Backup Status By User" , when selected dates are checked.

    There isn't any error message shown when the other filters are checked, other than "Days"


    I have read the article but it doesnt applies, as i do not have the CLSID 

  • If the issue occurs when selected dates are applied, you are probably facing this issue -

  • Thanks this worked.

    I didnt have SQL Management Studio installed, but what i did was change my current date format, to M/dd/yyyy.

    and it all worked out, no errors.