Transfer users to Dedupe enabled storage location and branch offices
We're currently using Backup Exec 2010 DLO option and plan to upgrade to DLO 7.5.
I installed it on a separate server to test some of the new features and most importantly Deduplication which works pretty well.
I would like to know if there is a way to transfer user data from the old storage location to a new dedupe enabled one, deduplicating the data in the process so it uses less space ? Moving the Network User Data Folder in the console seems to just copy the files without doing any dedup.
If not I guess I should just install the new agent on my users computers and backup from start to the new dedupe enabled storage location.
Also, we currently have 2 other storage locations in branch offices, one of which is across the atlantic ocean (bandwith is ok at 10Mbps but moderate latency). Can I just create the 2 shared folders (storage location and dedupe) on the branch office file server or is it better (necessary?) to install an administration server/dedupe server/database/maintenance server (or which of these) locally ?
One note : DLO 7.5 is supposed to add support for Windows 8 but when you set it up to prompt for backup at log off, it still looks like the application has hung and users might force close it...