Forum Discussion

RK_EmailAdmin's avatar
10 years ago

Need csv or SQL export of "research" view

I have need of a report that will show me the following information on an EV email search I've performed in DA: 
Sender, recipient, destination, subject, date/time sent. 

While I can display this information in the Discovery Accelerator "Review" tab, I need to provide this summary information in CSV (or other spreadsheet) format to a particular department. We were able to do this in our previous email archive system (CAMM) and so I am seeking a way to do this using the EV product suite. All the information is there on this screen, but I need to export it to CSV. Please advise how I do this with this new (to us) tool as I've searched the web and documentation for several hours and have not found a solution. 

Many thanks.

  • Pretty sure what you are looking for can be pulled via a SQL query but I do not believe there would be a way to get this data from the DA Client directly.

    You could try this:

    SELECT D.CaseId, C.Name, D.Author, D.Recipient, D.Subject, D.MailDate
    FROM tblIntDiscoveredItems D
    INNER JOIN tblCase C on C.CaseID = D.CaseID
    WHERE C.Name = 'Research'

    You can use this to get the Case Name, should be the same as it appears in the DA Client.

    Select * from tblCase

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  • Pretty sure what you are looking for can be pulled via a SQL query but I do not believe there would be a way to get this data from the DA Client directly.

    You could try this:

    SELECT D.CaseId, C.Name, D.Author, D.Recipient, D.Subject, D.MailDate
    FROM tblIntDiscoveredItems D
    INNER JOIN tblCase C on C.CaseID = D.CaseID
    WHERE C.Name = 'Research'

    You can use this to get the Case Name, should be the same as it appears in the DA Client.

    Select * from tblCase

  • AWESOME, thank you.

    With your help and the help of another, the final script I came up with is:

    SELECT D.CaseId, C.Name as 'Case Name', D.Author, D.Recipient, D.Subject, D.MailDate 
    FROM tblIntDiscoveredItems D INNER JOIN tblCase C on C.CaseID = D.CaseID 
    WHERE C.Name = 'Case Name' 
    AND CAST(FLOOR(CAST(D.MailDate AS float)) AS datetime) = '2015-01-05' 

  • Glad your sorted it and thanks for sharing your final script.  Good stuff!
