Need validation on deduplication of email msgs in Clearwell
I have our legal team questioning whether documents are getting deduplicated after several custodian evault containers are collected, then processed in Clearwell. An example is that there are two separate documents in the corpus even though they are the same email message. One appears as being a message from Custodian A's sent items - Custodian A is the sender. The second appears as a message in Custodian B's inbox - Custodian B is the recipient. In my mind, these are not identical therefore not deduplicated because one document is from a sender and the second document is from the recipient. Is this assumption correct?
This is further complicated by the sender's email address being identified as username@internal_domain instead of username@<mycompanyname>
Hi Susan, these messages were collected from vaulted email, not Journal. We don't do Journal vaulting in our company. But thanks for the information.
In the meanwhile I've spoken to Clearwell tech support who confirmed that the two messages are in fact unique and therefore not deduplicated. Good to get the validation.
Thanks for all the posts!