Forum Discussion

Dushan_Gomez's avatar
13 years ago

Adding new Vaults best practice ?

Hi All,

I'm planning to change the archiving policy of my email companywide from 6 months into 3 months, so I guess it will take a lot of disk space, while my current Vault is at 90 percent full, How do I ensure that over the night Email archive can be success ?

I needyour help in creating and assigning new Vault. and your best practice comment if I'm doing this right.


  • Hey Dushan.


    I am sorry for being late to the game and it seems like you have gotten some good help here. I think that there is an assumption that your concern is increasing your archiving rate and data while you are running out of space on your Vault Store parition. But in re-reading your postings a few times, you are either running out of space both on EV and Exchange, or your conern appears to be an issue in running out of space on Exchange. 


    To answer your latest question, the size retunred is in KB. You will have to divide by 1024 to make it into MB if you would like. I think there are a lot of questions that go into determining what you are seeeking. I think you ahve a great start here but judging from your responses it sounds like you may require more assistance than a forum can provide. 


    To me, I think increasing your mailbox archival policy is a good idea if you would like to reduce the size of Exchange. I would also ensure that archiving is working as expected. Likewise if you are concerned about space on EV, you can always add another VaultStore partition to your system. EV permits to expand disk space to just about any CIFS share or local storage you can muster. 


    You may also want to look at revising your policies and setting an expiry period if EV space considerations are becoming a concern for you. 


    THe combination of this advice should be able to get you on your way. If you still are unsure what to seek feel free to continue posting...but you may not get the infomration you are seeking in a form that you can use due to the forum. If you are seriously concerned about your production messenging and you are not able to move forward with the advice here then you should really consider getting someone with some expirence to work with you. 


    I hope this helps. If your questions are all answered, please flag the appropriate posting as the solution so that we know that you are no longer seeking asssistance. 



10 Replies

  • So by Vault are we to assume you mean a Vault Store Partition?

    What do you currently use for storage?

    How much data do you typically archive per night?

    How long are you going to keep it around?

    Did you get a solution design with storage estimates?


    Honestly,if you are 90% full you should already have you next Vault Store Partition ready to go. 

  • Tony,

    Thanks for the reply my understanding is that, when the Exchange Server Mailbox database is reaching 95% full, then I will need to relieve the load by archiving the email more agressively by shortening the period of archival. Previously it was for 6 months older email but now since I need to reduce the Exchange Mailbox database size, I wll have to cut it into half into any email older than 3 months.

    This is why I will need to add additional Vault just in case my EV archival process stopped due to the no more disk space in the Vault.

     How long are you going to keep it around? --> I guess that this must be kept forever, so once the email is archived, then It should leave in the Vault Drive forever.

    Did you get a solution design with storage estimates? Not that I know of.

  • So can you answer the other questions? 

    Also, how long have you been archiving and what is your shortcut content?  Can you delete shortcuts to older items?

    Without more details about your environment it is going to be hard to give you specific advice.  It sounds like you know you need to add more storage already, so I am not real sure what the question is.

  • Hi Tony,

    Many thanks for the reply, here's my attempt to answer it I can:


    Vault are we to assume you mean a Vault Store Partition? Yes the drive which store the archived mailboxes.

    What do you currently use for storage? What do I use ? I'm using Physical RDM (RAW LUN mapped to the EV 8.0 SP4 virtual machine).

    How much data do you typically archive per night? probably about 100 GB for my 500 mailboxes, how to know / get this number from ?

  • Do you have single instace enabled? Single instance will help you to reduce the size growth.

    To get more mail archived, I would say review you background archival window and extend if required. This can be done through the properties of tasks. If required then edit the number of  items archived in each run from each mailbox.

  • You can run the following, there is a daily rate, monthly, and yearly.  Then from that you can make some assumations for the storage you will need in the future by looking at what you have archived in the past.

    Since you will be archiving items at 3 months rather than 6 months you can assume you will archive a bit more, but without running any analyzing tools you are just going to be making an educated guess.

    --Daily Rate
    select "Archived Date" = left (convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),10),"Daily Rate" = count (*),"Size" = sum (itemsize)
    from saveset
    where archiveddate > dateadd("dd", -30, getdate ())
    group by left(convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),10)
    order by "Archived Date" Desc

    --Monthly Rate
    select "Archived Date" = left (convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),7),"Monthly Rate" = count (*),"Size" = sum (itemsize)
    from saveset
    where archiveddate > dateadd("mm", -12, getdate ())
    group by left(convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),7)
    order by "Archived Date" Desc

    --Yearly Rate
    select "Archived Date" = left (convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),4),"Yearly Rate" = count (*),"Size" = sum (itemsize)
    from saveset
    where archiveddate > dateadd("YY", -3, getdate ())
    group by left(convert (varchar, archiveddate,20),4)
    order by "Archived Date" Desc

  • Tony,

    Thanks for the SQL Script, I apprecaite your assistance, what does the result means and what is the metric KB / MB ?


    Arch Date   Daily Rate  Size

    2012-06-07  8240        665449

    2012-06-06  25059       1921247

    2012-06-05  242149      30198144

    2012-06-04  97001       11384210

    2012-06-03  15830       10977309

    2012-06-02  111350      13267381

    2012-06-01  16742       1495609

    2012-05-31  24371       2060444

    2012-05-30  24170       1910736

    2012-05-29  22629       1787538

    2012-05-28  25938       1883227

    2012-05-27  27071       14081107

    2012-05-26  123395      13805416

    2012-05-25  18026       1442257

    2012-05-24  22625       1796184

    2012-05-23  21507       2078390

    2012-05-22  22841       2019906

    2012-05-21  26317       2310228

    2012-05-20  19253       7660963

    2012-05-19  119217      16786107

    2012-05-18  16145       1547610

    2012-05-17  22902       2016727

    2012-05-16  22408       2234420

    2012-05-15  22590       2016462

    2012-05-14  25894       2229606

    2012-05-13  15485       6726037

    2012-05-12  92401       11305401

    2012-05-11  16638       1463159

    2012-05-10  23299       1713421

    2012-05-09  22872       1889805

    2012-05-08  5187        336591

  • Hey Dushan.


    I am sorry for being late to the game and it seems like you have gotten some good help here. I think that there is an assumption that your concern is increasing your archiving rate and data while you are running out of space on your Vault Store parition. But in re-reading your postings a few times, you are either running out of space both on EV and Exchange, or your conern appears to be an issue in running out of space on Exchange. 


    To answer your latest question, the size retunred is in KB. You will have to divide by 1024 to make it into MB if you would like. I think there are a lot of questions that go into determining what you are seeeking. I think you ahve a great start here but judging from your responses it sounds like you may require more assistance than a forum can provide. 


    To me, I think increasing your mailbox archival policy is a good idea if you would like to reduce the size of Exchange. I would also ensure that archiving is working as expected. Likewise if you are concerned about space on EV, you can always add another VaultStore partition to your system. EV permits to expand disk space to just about any CIFS share or local storage you can muster. 


    You may also want to look at revising your policies and setting an expiry period if EV space considerations are becoming a concern for you. 


    THe combination of this advice should be able to get you on your way. If you still are unsure what to seek feel free to continue posting...but you may not get the infomration you are seeking in a form that you can use due to the forum. If you are seriously concerned about your production messenging and you are not able to move forward with the advice here then you should really consider getting someone with some expirence to work with you. 


    I hope this helps. If your questions are all answered, please flag the appropriate posting as the solution so that we know that you are no longer seeking asssistance. 

