Forum Discussion

Kim_Morgan_Elli's avatar
17 years ago

Bill usage to.

Hi.   I've search the board and there is a bug with the billing account.   Is there a way to repolulate the billing account? We enabled a lot of mailboxes when we where at Enterprise Vault 7.0. ...
  • Kopfjager's avatar
    17 years ago
    It was a bug fixed in 7.0 SP2
    This is from the update.htm

    Archives with no billing account [Ref E1003862]

    When enabling mailboxes, setting the billing account to "The mailbox's primary account" had no effect. This resulted in archives with no billing account.

    This has been fixed for new archives.

    For existing archives that may have no billing account defined, there is a registry value that enables you to force the Archiving task to set the billing account to be the name of the primary account during mailbox synchronization.

    The registry value is a DWORD, called PopulateBillingAccount, which you create in the following location on the Enterprise Vault server that runs the Archiving task:




       \Enterprise Vault


    Set PopulateBillingAccount to 1 to make the Archiving task populate blank Billing Owner fields.


    When you have corrected the blank billing account you can delete the registry value.