Forum Discussion

habibalby's avatar
Level 5
10 years ago

Changing Enterprise Vault Disk Drive


I have Symantec Enterprise Vault version 11. running on a VM and subsequant MS SQL Server on saperate VM. Both VMs have 2 hard disks, each hard disk allocated from different LUN. Once disk for OS and the other for Data.

Enterprise Vault keep eating disk space and every time we extend the dis space, unfortuantly the extension of the disk space is going wrong every time and it shows that the other dirves which has been extened to the original volume.

The current volme (Drives E:\) is 290 GB Now, I'm thinking of replacing the volume which contains the Archives Vault Data with bigger volme.

The old  disk extension was added as different disk and extending the E:\ drive from those disks.. Which I think it's a bad idea since the VMDK disk is thin provisioned where it can be increased from the VM itself and use Diskpart command to extend the Volume.

To make it short, what is the procedure of making changing the drive of Index Vault;


1. Stop put Vauls in offline / maintenance mode.

2. Stop EV services.

3. Put SQL DBs in offline mode.

4. Add new Drive with bigger volume and Backup/Restore the contents of Drive E:\ to the new drive added

5. Change the drive letter back to E:\.

Does this will work?

Please share your experiance.



  • You could either follow the technote to update the locations or do your original plan update rename the drive letter.

    One thing you might still want to do even though the drive letter stays the same is tell EV to do an IVSync:

         -- Inform EV that it needs to update the paths of the volumes on service startup
                 UPDATE IndexingServiceEntry
                 SET IVSyncNeeded = 2
                 WHERE ServiceEntryId = (SELECT IndexServiceEntryId FROM IndexRootPathEntry WHERE
                 IndexRootPathEntryId = @NewIndexRootPathEntryId)

5 Replies

  • Thanks for your reply, what about if I want to maintain the same drive letter, for instance I add new drive, copy the contents and change the drive letter back to original drive letter?
  • You can do that as well, just be sure to stop all the EV services and maintain the folder structure.

  • Thanks, I will copy the root files. So all of the folders and files will stay as is. What about the EV shares, any recommendations about them?
  • You could either follow the technote to update the locations or do your original plan update rename the drive letter.

    One thing you might still want to do even though the drive letter stays the same is tell EV to do an IVSync:

         -- Inform EV that it needs to update the paths of the volumes on service startup
                 UPDATE IndexingServiceEntry
                 SET IVSyncNeeded = 2
                 WHERE ServiceEntryId = (SELECT IndexServiceEntryId FROM IndexRootPathEntry WHERE
                 IndexRootPathEntryId = @NewIndexRootPathEntryId)