Forum Discussion

prodrigues's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Client-drive PST migration failling


I have an undergoing PST migration to Enterprise Vault 10.0.

For the migration I am using the Client-Driven migration.

For some of PST files, the migration starts and then after processing several chunks, if fails and changes the migration status to "Migration Failled". The migration for those PST never resume, despite I have changed the status back to "Ready to Copy" and restarted the search on the client.

The migration only resumes, and starts from the beginning, after executing the steps on the link "", but again fails on the same place.

I have executed a scanpst on the file, that found no problems.

I have executed a dtrace capture and when the migration fails the following error is recorded on the log:

"764895               14:38:24.976      [12644]               (MigratorServer)             <11800>                EV:H{AddAttachmentListToMsgBody:#2415}MemoryAllocationException: [Dynamic Memory allocation has failed on Line: 1937]"

On the event viewer arround same time the following error is recorded:

Log Name:      Application

Source:        Application Error

Date:          08-02-2013 14:38:26

Event ID:      1000

Task Category: (100)

Level:         Error

Keywords:      Classic

User:          N/A

Computer:     XXXXXXX


Faulting application name: MigratorServer.exe, version:, time

stamp: 0x4e13728b

Faulting module name: ntdll.dll, version: 6.1.7601.17725, time stamp:


Exception code: 0xc0000374

Fault offset: 0x000ce6c3

Faulting process id: 0x3164

Faulting application start time: 0x01ce0609f1ce9323 Faulting application path: C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\MigratorServer.exe Faulting module path: C:\Windows\SysWOW64\ntdll.dll Report Id: 31cf2ae1-71fd-11e2-baf6-005056990009


I have already openned a case on support, but its taking long time and no route to the cause, and despite a couple of webex sessions with a support technition, had to be me to find the error evidences with the dtrace.

Has anyone seen these errors, and can point me to the right direction?

Best regards

Paulo Rodrigues

9 Replies

  • For your PST policy .. what do you have for 'Shortcut Content'?

    If it's inherited from the mailbox policy - what do you have there?  If it's not inherited what are taking up for the shortcut content?

  • Hi Rob,

    Its "Inherit policy properties from Exchnage Mailbox Policy"




  • Hi,


    The mailbox policy is set like in the attached picture.

    "Use message body"




  • Given that, I suspect that you have a message with a 'big' or 'bad' message body.  I'd suggest using a custom shortcut setting for the ingested items and/or try to locate the *actual* item that it's falling over on.


    Go for something like this .. perhaps:

  • Hi Rob,

    You sugestion made it possible to migrate some problematic PST files.

    I have isolated one of the problematic messages, and could not detect any problem with the message. It has some attachements and also some embedded images.

    Unfortunately the look of the messages imported this way is not so pleasant. I have to evaluate if I can wait for a soluttion from symantec or proceed this way.


    For the files that become on the status "Migration failed" is there a way to resume the migration? As I told on my firts post, when I change the status to "Ready to copy" and reset the client search interval, nothing happens, and the status continues "ready to copy"



    Paulo Rodrigues

  • <could not detect any problem with it>

    What have you done to test the message?


    <resume the migration>

    You set it back to 'Ready to Copy' ... and then what?

  • Hi,

    <could not detect any problem with it>

    Just openned the message, and all the attachments.


    <resume the migration>

    After changing the status to "Ready to copy" went to the client. On the Enterprise vault diagnostics windows select "restart search". Closed outlook. Openned Outlook and wait.

    The migration doesn't resume and on the event viewer it records the following event:

    Log Name:      Symantec Enterprise Vault
    Source:        Enterprise Vault
    Date:          14-02-2013 10:07:42
    Event ID:      8567
    Task Category: Directory Service
    Level:         Error
    Keywords:      Classic
    User:          N/A
    Computer:      XXXXXXX
    Error occurred with client-driven migration of PST '*********.pst'.

     Unexpected migration status.

     Reference: 'HasPstChunkMigrated'.




  • To test the message I'd suggest...

    * Ingest it in a PST of it's own (to a test mailbox maybe)

    * Try to manually archive it from a mailbox

    These may show the same problem.

    If they do, then you will need to discuss it via a Symantec Support case.


    hmm.. I think there is a technote on that 'HasPSTChunkMigrated' issue, but I can't find it at the moment.