Forum Discussion

hn-18's avatar
Level 2
6 years ago

Creating Read-Only Role in Enterprise Vault

Would like to create a read only role within the Enterprise Vault VAC. Know how to create a custom role within the system, but haven't been able to find any documentation that describes what each operation means. The tech notes seem to be deleted or inaccessible. Is there a list with what each operation does? 

Whats the difference in manage, administer, and view? 

How should a read only role be set up? I would like the user to be able to view everything within VAC, but be unable to change anything. 

3 Replies

  • Hello,

    You can use the below. Do test this, as I believe it does allow access to services/tasks section.

    The following "Operations" will need to have a check next to them

    Can administer Enterprise Vault
     Can manage Enterprise Vault Exchange Journaling tasks
     Can manage Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox tasks
     Can Administer Archives
     Can administer all Enterprise Vault policies
     Can administer all Enterprise vault targets
     Can administer Enterprise Vault archives
     Can administer Enterprise Vault Exchange Journaling policies
     Can administer Enterprise Vault Exchange mailbox policies
     Can administer Enterprise Vault Exchange policies
     Can administer Enterprise Vault Exchange targets
     Can administer Enterprise Vault policies
     Can administer Enterprise Vault servers
     Can administer Enterprise Vault targets
     Can administer Enterprise Vault Vault Stores
     Can administer Retention Categories
     Can manage Enterprise Vault Exchange Journaling tasks
     Can manage Enterprise Vault Exchange Mailbox tasks
     Can manage Enterprise Vault services
     Can manage Enterprise Vault tasks
     Can manage Exchange Journal Archives
     Can manage Exchange Mailbox Archives
     Can use Server Manager
     Can View Site Archiving Defaults property page
     Can view Site Archiving Usage Limit property page
     Can view Site General property page
     Can Site monitoring property page
     Can view Site Schedule property page
     Can view Site Shortcut Deletion property page
     Can view Site Storage Expiry property page

    Also see below for more information.

    • hn-18's avatar
      Level 2

      Thanks. Do you know what if there is a list where wach operation details its function? I will test your role as described, but it seems like "Can adminster" would allow you to make changes to policy. 

      • GertjanA's avatar

        Welcome. I'm not sure there is actually a list. I made this long time ago (EV8 I believe), and found that you do need to included the 'can administer', otherwise you don't see them at all.

        You might need to 'play' with the role to see what actually is possible. If I recall correct, you can for instance see the retention categories, but if you try to change them, you get an 'access denied' error