Forum Discussion

sandrine_goetha's avatar
16 years ago

Eligible items for Exchange archiving.


For divers reasons I need to know which are the criteria ( mails properties, flags.... NOT EV Criteria like time quota,...) in order for an item to be eligible for archiving. 

We are using EV for Exchange, I don't think that the version plays any role in this process but we have 7.5 with SP2.

Thanks for any answer

Sandrine Goethals 

  • On the message that is left behind several mapi props are added to the message, including one called "Archived Date".


    If "Archived Date" has a value greater than the Modified date then EV will not archive it. If you modify the message cause Modified date > Archived Date we will archive the message again.

9 Replies

  • Hi Sandrine, i would start wit the Message Class:


    by default EV can archive:












    hope that helps.




  • Sorry I was probably not clear enough in my post.

    I know what IPM type can be archived or not.

    What I need to know is according to which criteria( message class,message pr_....) EV takes the decision that an item needs to be archived or not.

    BUT not EV criteria like time, quota or whatever can be selected in the EV Console.

    Hope this time it is more clear.

    I need to know it at an item level.

    But anyway thanks a lot for your answer Holger

    sandrine Goethals

  • Hi,


    Your question doesn't really make much sense!


    Which criteria depends exactly on what you've selected in your policy settings.


    If you're doing an age-based policy, then EV will check the age of an item to determine its eligibility

    If you're archiving large attachments first then EV will check a message has a large attachment

    If you're not archiving unread messages then it will check for the read/unread status to determine eligibility.

    And so on....


    You can check using a dtrace filter of "eligible" that will filter dtrace and tell you whether an item is eligible or not.



  • Hi,

    I see that I have to be more clear in my question, sorry about this.

    Lets say that I just archive mails after 30 days.

    Every night EV Task is going on the mailbox to check what should be archive ( mail , 30 days). This is OK but how does the software decides to don't rearchive mails ? Base on which mail attribute does it make this decision ?Not the message class because in our configuration it is still IPM. Note after archiving ( we don't delete original and we don't create shortcut : the point here is not if it makes sense or not).

    So I need to know how EV sees that an email was already archived.

    I really hope that this time it is a bit more clear for everybody, once again sorry for this .

    Sandrine Goethals

  • Hi,


    Obvioulsy in most cases items get turned into shortcuts and therefore aren't eligle in the next run.

    In your case, you are saying you are not creating shortcut but instead archiving the item and leaving a copy.  So I guess you are saying when EV does a leave copy, how does it know not to archive this copy again given it is not a shortcut.  that right?


    You do realise that ain't a wise way to run ev?

  • Hello,

    First sorry for my late reply.

    Thanks for your answer. 

    To answer you twice YES.

    But how to run EV is a management decision I'm just applying it technically.

    And Yes you understood my question correctly, thanks for any answer that would help me. 


  • On the message that is left behind several mapi props are added to the message, including one called "Archived Date".


    If "Archived Date" has a value greater than the Modified date then EV will not archive it. If you modify the message cause Modified date > Archived Date we will archive the message again.

  • Sandrine, If you are not removing emails from mailboxes when archiving, you must not be archiving for storage reduction purposes.  Therefor, I would assume you are archiving for compliance or legal purposes, or possibly for DR purposes?  If that is the case, you should definitely look at implementing Exchange Journaling and EV Journal archiving.  The EV Journal Archiving component would enable you to retain a compliance copy of all emails in EV, allowing you to use mailbox archiving to remove old emails from the end user mailboxes, saving space in exchange, and increasing exchange performance.  The savings in exchange storage will eventually offset the cost of the Journal Archiving component.


    Just a thought!
