Enterprise Vault - Move Archives - Possible to skip verification?
Hi, we have the need to move a major number of archives from one EV site to another. We noticed that Step 5 of 5 ("Verifying moved items") takes most of the time, actually it takes much longer than the actual copying.
We have the collector already set to 'only collect files older than 1 year', still that verifying step takes much too long. Both servers and the intermediate network and the database servers seem to have low utilization (regarding CPU, disk, etc.).
So, two questions:
A) Is there anything I could do to speed up the verify process? I already recreated database indexes but this did not really help.
B) Is there an option to skip verification? Or at least to postpone it until migration of the remaining archives is done (so that it first copies ALL archives and THEN verifies all archives)? I was already thinking of a database trigger like 'when state is updated to "step 4 done" then stop the job' or something ...
Hello Stephan,
I moved 1900 archives from site A to site B, approximately 19.000.000 items and about 5 TB worth of data. That took 11 months....
There is no way to prevent the verification to be skipped unfortunately. I assume (as you do not mention that) you do skip the backup check.
Depending on the amount of archives to be moved, and their size, you might be better of either exporting the archives to PST's, copying these accross, then import them into the new archives, or look for a 3rd party product. Those being either Quadrotech's Archiveshuttle (my preference), or TransVault, or Archive360.
I tried 'skipping verification until all are copied', but that is not a good idea. The verification really should be done after the archive has been moved. I did run into an issue with 'pausing' the move to wait for verification, but forgot what it was. I decided to just 'let it run'. I did use the usage report from the source to first move the smallest archives, and then the large ones were done last. That is basically a set and forget action. check every day on the progress, and then one day all were done. Small archives (less than 1000 items) I did about 100 in a job, larger ones (<50000) I did about 25, very large ones (over 100.000 items in them) I did only 10.
This to prevent choking the network.. I migrate 24/7, except obvioulsy when the source went into backup mode.