Forum Discussion

mghomer's avatar
Level 6
12 years ago

enterprise vault recall

Hi all,

I'm recalling 2 TB back to our fileserver. I run this command on the evault server fsautility.exe -b -s "share" -recurse.

The recall is running since 1 week. Now the output from the "fsautility.exe -b -s "share" -recurse" is stops on this line: Processing file list...69%".

Since 2 days i see this in the cmd. But i can see that the recall is still in process, because "size on disk" is getting bigger and bigger.

Im not sure what I have to do with the opned cmd? Some moths ago i had similar situation so i just closed cmd and after that the fsautilty.exe was corrupt.

Any Idea?

PS. is there a way to see which folder/file are in process at the moment?


  • well if you do a dtrace on FSAutility it should show what its doing in the background and as long as its processing you should be ok... its not surprising that 2TB will take some time to be honest

    Other than a quick dtrace im not sure if theres any other way other than the report files to see what its current progress is, but i believe the report files will only output when the FSAUtility is stopped

3 Replies

  • well if you do a dtrace on FSAutility it should show what its doing in the background and as long as its processing you should be ok... its not surprising that 2TB will take some time to be honest

    Other than a quick dtrace im not sure if theres any other way other than the report files to see what its current progress is, but i believe the report files will only output when the FSAUtility is stopped

  • Hi thanks,

    which option do I have to use with dtrace to see the the current progress?


  • If you want to monitor background progress then type "mon" in dtrace window after enabling the dtrace. This will not write anything to the file, but might slow down because requires more resources. Type Ctrl+C to stop the monitoring console output