Enterprise Vault "Retrieval of saveset failed." and cannot retrieve archives
One of my users is getting this error when he tries to retrieve an email older that 2011. This is the only user affected and we have not changed anything. I am not sure if the bottom two errors have anything to do with what is going on but the top on happens right after I try to open the archive. He has a lot of them that he cannot open so I know he did not delete these ones.
"Could not show this item.
Try again. If it still fails, Contact your help desk.
The item is no longer in the vault. The system cannot find the file specified"
On the server side I am getting this error
Retrieval of saveset failed.
Archive Id: 19B09E7B1C2C5E749BE1949B1ECA7A9B81110000.######com
Transaction Id: 905B136C0C362EED9380A872EF65DB81
Extended information: The system cannot find the file specified. [0x80070002]
Internal Ref: Vault/RI
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://evevent.symantec.com/rosetta/showevent.asp
I am also getting this error. Not sure if it relates.
"Failed to recall a Saveset from its Collection.
Reason: The system cannot find the file specified. [0x80070002]
Relative Saveset Filename: 2011\03-16\9\05B\905B136C0C362EED9380A872EF65DB81.DVS
Relative Collection Filename: 2011\03-16\9\Collection103792.cab
PartitionEntryID: 118F7BE39F0080048A371B200268BF5581q10000evault.r.com
PartitionGUID: 18F7BE39F0080048A371B200268BF558
Partition Root Path: E:\Enterprise Vault Stores\2011 10 Oct
Secondary Location:
Migrated File Id:
Reference: NSDR/LMF
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://evevent.symantec.com/rosetta/showevent.asp
And this error.
Timed out whilst waiting for the MAPI profile mutex
Exchange Server: xxxxxx
MutexName: EnterpriseVaultProfileMutex XML_IIB4776
For more information, see Help and Support Center at http://evevent.symantec.com/rosetta/showevent.asp
1. First Check whether the CAB file "Collection103792.cab " present on location or not ?
Location : E:\Enterprise Vault Stores\2011 10 Oct\2011\03-16\9\Collection103792.cab
2. If CAB file not present then try to resotre it from Backup and then try to retrive it.
3. If CAB file present then try to extract it and check whether it contain the .DVS file.
4. Have to excluded the location from antivirus scanning because some time antivirus program corrupt the files.
5. Have you migrated the CAB to secondary storage ?
Recommended list of antivirus exclusions for Symantec Enterprise Vault.