Forum Discussion

ia01's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

EV 10.0.1 Export archive suddenly stopped working with error


We have a EV 10.0.1 server where we could export archives to original mailbox still this morning. Suddenly it stopped woorking and throwing the following error


Enterprise Vault
Unable to get list of mailbox archives for server SRV1
Check the default Vault ID in the ExchangeMailboxEntry table.
ANy idea? Everything else works fine. Just the export archive. No errors in event log or anything. We can export to PST fine. Only when we try to export to original mailbox or another mailbox we getting that error. It was working fine this morning.
Mnay thanks
  • Cause :
    DefaultVaultId value is empty or NULL and ADMbxDN value is NULL on the ExchangeMailboxEntry table of the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database

    By removing these mailboxes, the archive should work and complete normally.

    Solution :

    1) Backup the ExchangeMailboxEntry table

    2)Run the following query on the SQL to verify the affected users

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    SELECT * FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry
    WHERE DefaultVaultId <> '' AND ADMbxDN IS NULL

    3) Delete the affected users with the following query

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    DELETE FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry
    WHERE DefaultVaultId <> '' AND ADMbxDN IS NULL

    4) Run the provisioning task

    5) Try to reproduce the behavior by exporting the applicable archive again.

6 Replies

  • Cause :
    DefaultVaultId value is empty or NULL and ADMbxDN value is NULL on the ExchangeMailboxEntry table of the EnterpriseVaultDirectory database

    By removing these mailboxes, the archive should work and complete normally.

    Solution :

    1) Backup the ExchangeMailboxEntry table

    2)Run the following query on the SQL to verify the affected users

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    SELECT * FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry
    WHERE DefaultVaultId <> '' AND ADMbxDN IS NULL

    3) Delete the affected users with the following query

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    DELETE FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry
    WHERE DefaultVaultId <> '' AND ADMbxDN IS NULL

    4) Run the provisioning task

    5) Try to reproduce the behavior by exporting the applicable archive again.

  • Thanks Ajay,

    I did use the following atr the end

    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    select * FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry
    where legacymbxdn like '(MARKED%'
    USE EnterpriseVaultDirectory
    delete FROM ExchangeMailboxEntry
    where legacymbxdn like '(MARKED%'

    as there were two entries for some users for some reason.

  • Hi,

    It means one has has 2 entries and you delete both the entries from ExchangeMailboxEntry Table.

    After that make sure you Run the Provisioning Task in Normal mode and then test your export and let me know if you face any issue.


  • Yes export worked fine. Many Thanks for your help.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your reply. That's great new that your issue is resolve.

    Do you need more assistance regarding this topic? If not then please mark the post that best solves your problem as the answer to this thread.