EV 11 EVS - Mobile Web Browser Support
I tried to access EVS from an iPad running Safari yesterday. You can browse EVS and download attached JPGs. However I was unable to download attached PDFs.
I double checked the SCL and I could not find explicit support for iPad Safari with EVS.
During a Symantec event about 18 months ago I was introduced to EVS. The presenter had given me the impression that EVS was built to support mobile devices.
So, is Safari on iOS supported? If not, are any iOS or Android browers supported for accessing EVS?
Cameron Mottus
in the EV compatibility guide the blanket statement is: "Enterprise Vault Search is supported on all clients supporting HTML5-compatible web browsers. However, Enterprise Vault Search has been tested on tablets with the following operating systems and browsers."
there's a section for EVS and within that setion you have Tablet. It lists the compatible iOS versions and goes on to say that it supports Safari on all supported iOS versions. however, iOS 9 is still pending.
there's also a table for supported Andriod OS versions and it says that Chrome is the only supported brower on Andriod.
what's in common is that hey all require EV 11.0.1. hope that helps.