Forum Discussion

mumair109917's avatar
13 years ago

EV 9.0.1

hi all,

my enterprise vault OS windows 2008 Enterprise was crashed, so i just reinstall and rebuild everything coz all the DBs and Stores are located on SAN NTFS Partition but i am getting an error "GetOnlineAttachmentFileSize 0xC0041BD9" so i am suspecting that might be issue of currnet installed version is 9.0.0 but previously i had 9.0.1 so how can i upgrade the version becuase i dont have installation package for 9.0.1 from where can i download that package??

  • go to, choose your language, enter your serial number, and you'll have access to download all your licenced software

5 Replies

  • go to, choose your language, enter your serial number, and you'll have access to download all your licenced software

  • and if you dont have your serial number handy, you can find it by looking in the license file (.slf) you installed for EV. it'll be about 7 rows down from the top right after <serial_number>

  • i have three .slf files installed that was previously installed with my EV all of them have serial numbers but onliy one of them serial number is working but its taking me to 8.0 other two are showing invalid.

    why it is heppening to me?? even previously i was using same .slf files

  • it means that the license hasnt been upgraded. go to and have the customer upgrade their license key(s).

    another option since EV is down and you're pretty much stuck until you get the 9.01 bits is to call Customer Care and see if they can accelerate the process for your customer instead of you having to fumble around with this.

  • mumair, seems like your questions have been sorted out. please make sure to mark the solution. thanks