Forum Discussion

ChayDouglas's avatar
12 years ago

EV OWA External URL

Hi, Sorry if this is a double post, my original one has not shown up in the Forum. I am trying to configure EV for OWA at a customer. They have EV 10.0.2 on a Windows 2008 R2 Server. They have 2 CAS Servers and 2 separate Mailbox Role Servers. They use for both internal and external owa access. The Exchange Environment is 2010. I have installed the extensions on the 2 CAS Servers, ran the owauser.wsf cscript on Enterprise Vault, restarted services and sync'd mailboxes. When logging into OWA whilst on the network, I can retrieve archived items and can see the EV toolbar etc. However, when I log on externally I cannot see the toolbar or retrieve items. I have followed the following technote and believe the configuration is the "Different IP Address" example on page 16. If I have chosen the right way to configure it, what would be the IP address(es) that go in the EnterpriseVault_ExternalIPAddresses web.config setting? I'm aware that the Enterprise Vault server needs to be published for Search / Archive Explorer but I'm not too worried about this stage at the moment. Thank you for any help Cheers CD
  • I suspect the premium client would have the same issue. As you've discovered internally, the extensions will work in both premium and light clients on Internet Explorer. The issue is that the browser cannot be identified as Internet Explorer.

    This User-Agent header is why the extensions aren't working:

    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; rv:11.0) like Gecko

    You need to work out why it isn't coming through as Internet Explorer, and you can clearly see the difference in the log files you sent through.

    Check if the browser is set to use a different header, or if the firewall is set to change it as it passes through. You can use something like Fiddler to see what it is as it leaves the client and work out if it's on the client or later down the line.

    How are they enforcing the light client externally?