Forum Discussion

wildman's avatar
15 years ago

EV support for Outlook 2010

We need an EV Outlook add-in service pack or upgrade that works in Outlook 2010. Your Enterprise  Vault 9 product , not due until the end of the year, is far to late for us to wait.
I am rather shocked that a company such as Symantec would not have already issued updates that provide functionality with major player new software. THis is a major disappointment. We need a working Outlook 2010 client for Enterprise Vault now.

  • Hi,

    unfortunately all I can do at this time is point you towards Alex Brown's comment in this thread:

    "As noted, it does take some time to provide support for a major release such as this including in this particular case a full port of the EV client to use the newer OOM (Outlook Object Model) and full QA testing of the solution. Therefore at the moment I don't have dates to communicate to you however you should expect to hear more information from us a litle later in the year."

17 Replies

  • Paul,
    Your comments are very much appreciated.  To address your individual points to the best of my ability :

    BackupExec has different needs and wants from an Exchange perspective, it is also a vastly different and bigger product than Enterprise Vault.  

    Exchange 2010 SP 1 does have new features.  A quick Search using your favourite search engine reveals things like this :

    The comment around 64 bit support, or not, is specifically around the Outlook 2010 Add-in (which is what this forum post is all about).  The question which arose internally is whether we should support 64 Bit Outlook on "Day 1", or later.

    EV 9 supports archiving from mailboxes whose mailbox stores are part of a DAG.  The information of which physical server a database is on, is recorded by Enterprise Vault periodically so when an archiving task starts, the task knows which server to contact.

    Hope that helps a little,

  • Many thanks for your quick reply.

    To answer your comments. I agree. Backup Exec is bigger etc and yet it supported Exchnage 2010 fully several mmonths ago!

    Yes these are new features, although if I wanted to be pedantic I would say they are enhancements as they don't require major code rewrites. That aside, how do any of the things mentioned in the article stop support of Exchange 2010 RTM?

    Thanks for that. Now I'm more worried than before. Will you still not have a 64 Bit version of the EV server software that runs natively on a 64 Bit OS and talks with Exchange 2007 nativey in 64 bit?

    Thanks for the update on DAG's. Very basic support really. Can you have mutliple archives servers accessing different copies of DAG databases. The logic I see here is as follows. I have one server of a DAG in my main data centre and one in my backup one. Could I then locate one EV server in each site to archive from the local DAG database copy. Thus in the event of the main centre going offline I will have a DAG working database copy and  in theory a lcoal EV server archive that matches it. I appreciate that is greatly simplifying things but the idea would seem valid at avery simplistic level.

    Many thanks in advance.
  • Hi Paul,

    My point about BackupExec is that it is a bigger product in terms of many things, included Developer and QA resources.  Enterprise Vault was unfortunately behind the curve.

    The decision of what's supported is out of my hands -- it is Exchange 2010 SP 1.  

    Native 64 Bit Enterprise Vault will not come in EV 9.

    EV in EV 9 will target the active database only.  It won't be able to target any of the "standby" members of the DAG.  I think you will find *very* little will be able to do that (in a Microsoft Support manner)

    Hope that helps
  • The problem here is priority and resources.  While I understand that Outlook 2010 included some fundamental changes, with enough priority and resources, Symantec could have support completed and tested in 3-4 months. 

    Why on earth are we paying for software maintenance and support if this is the type of upgrade timeline we're going to see?  I've heard rumors that Symantec has substantially reduced the size of the EV team and that's a major reason behind the delays.

    And don't even get me started on Mac support...  Our folks have to run a Windows VM on their Mac just to have proper EV access...  Nice job Symantec.

    Have a meeting with our account rep next week and plan to continue to express my displeaure.

  • BrianO, maybe it's worth picking out a few of the points you raised above, and discussing them more fully with your account team :


    "Symantec could have support completed and tested in 3-4 months"..  This isn't entirely true, since it's just testing the existing Outlook Add-in with Outlook 2010, it's rewriting large parts of it.


    "..reduced the size of the EV team"...  that's not true.  The team has grown.


    "Mac support"...  That's one really to drive home with the Account Management and Product Management folks.  If you're a large(ish) Mac-shop, and the product just "isn't there" then you need to work with those folks to highlight each of the issues, prioritise and get them driven through to our Engineering groups.


    Hope that helps, a little?



    Finding it difficult to find the correct guidelines for -

    • Upgrading EV8 to EV9 (although I've completed this now)
    • coexistence with EV9, exchange 2003 and exchange 2010
    • Prerequisites for exchange 2010
    • migrate EV users from exchange 2003 to exchange 2010
    • Perquisites for outlook 2010 on EV9

    I seem to find a lot of old stuff out there but no concrete migration path.

    Any help would be appreciated

  • jclissold,

    Please start a new forum thread with your questions, if you've not already done so.