Forum Discussion

nwalsh's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

EV11 Storage service unreachable.

Hi all,


I have a question that maybe someone could point me in the right direction.

I have three EV servers and they sit on a Windows 2012 x64 behind windows firewall.

I have a powershell script setup to set EV into backup mode, Tested and is working fine locally

I have done all of the requrements in setting the executionpolicy and applying the ports for windows firewall under UDP and TCP port numbers.

The port numbers were given to me from symantec tech support. 49152-65535.  

Since applying these changes i am getting the following error messsage from the backup mode script


Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode : Unable to clear backup mode from the vault stores
in vault store group 'EURVSG', on Enterprise Vault server 'entjasp01'.
Check that the storage service is running on 'entjasp01'.At line:1 char:4
+ & {Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode -Name EURVSG -EVServerName entmasp01
-EVObjectType ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : ResourceUnavailable: (Symantec.Enterp...StoreBac
   kUpMode:ClearVaultStoreBackUpMode) [Clear-VaultStoreBackupMode], COMExcept
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnableToClearVaultStoreBackupMode,Symantec.Enter


to find out that it was a firewall issue, i disabled the firewall and the conneciton was able to be made to the vault store.


Also i have the same issue on my journal server when i am rebuilding an index. i get an error on the log file saying

12/01/2016 19:00:28 The rebuild subtask has failed. 
Error Code: 62
Description:Could not connect to the storage service on entjasp01 ArchiveId=[12A533B151588BE488B4B8783255298011110000entmasp01]. Retrieving the COM class factory for remote component with CLSID {3A92686F-E5E8-4505-ABB5-49E5F725617A} from machine entjasp01 failed due to the following error: 800706ba.

For more information, see the online index troubleshooting technical note at:



any suggestions or recommendations are wellcome




  • sounds like it's time to get the firewall guys involved so they can look at it from the network level and tell you what's being blocked.

13 Replies

  • sounds like it's time to get the firewall guys involved so they can look at it from the network level and tell you what's being blocked.

  • just to follow up i found this online. I applied it to all 3 servers and hey presto. it works.


    Just encase someone else has the same problem as me.


    Use the steps outlined in the Microsoft TechNet article How to configure RPC dynamic port allocation to work with firewalls to allow DCOM connections to the Server.

    This limits the range of ports you need to open on the Windows Firewall. If you do not assign a static port, you must create a firewall rule permitting the entire dynamic range of ports:

    1. On the Archive server, open the Windows Firewall application from the Control Panel.
    2. Click Advanced Settings in the left pane.
    3. Right-click the Inbound Rules node, and click New Rule.
    4. The New Inbound Rule wizard opens. On the Rule Type page, select Custom, and then click Next.
    5. On the Program page, select All Programs, and click Next.
    6. On the Protocol and Ports page:
      1. Select TCP from the Protocol Type drop-down menu.
      2. Select RPC Dynamic Ports from the Local Port drop-down menu.
      3. Select Specific Ports from the Remote Port drop-down menu, and enter 1024-65535 in the associated field.
    7. Click Next.
    8. On the Scope page:
      1. Under Which local IP addresses does this rule apply to, select Any IP Address.
      2. Under Which remote IP addresses does this rule apply to?, select Any IP Address to allow all remote connections, or select These IP addresses and enter the specific IP address(es).
    9. Click Next.

      This is recommended if only one machine or a range of machines are going to connect via DCOM.

    10. On the Action plan, select Allow the connection, and click Next.
    11. On the Profile page, select only the Domain option, and then click Next.
    12. On the Name page, enter a name to identify the rule, for example, ArchiveOne incoming DCOM connections.
    13. Click Finish.
    14. Verify the rule is enabled.