EV9 - Journal Custom Filter Error
I have a site running EV9 on W2K3, two servers - one running Journal Archiving and one running Mailbox Archiving (Exchange 2010). I recently implemented a custom filter for the Journal Archiving to eliminate some of the 'rubbish' which we don't want to archive from the journal.
I am getting errors, approx 3 times daily, whereby the attached errors are presented and a number of emails go to the 'Failed External Filter' folder in Outlook. I cannot see anything common to these messages and also after looking within the forum nothing seems to apply such as AV stripping contents etc. If I drop the 'failed' emails back into the inbox they process successfully the second time around.
I captured a DTRACE when the error occurred and have attached this, along with a few screenshots of errors in EV Event Log and also the rules xml file in use.
Any pointers would be appreciated as to how I can resolve this issue.
Files Attached: Journal_2010.docx is a word version of the Journal_2010.xml filter rules file, EV Journal Filter Errors.docx is a number of screenshots of the errors presented in the EV Application Log, DTRACE Trace Log for Server.docx is an editied version of the DTRACE log for the time of the error.
After discussing the options with the customer they decided to put this on hold until the EV10 migration / upgrade - so no further action was taken. I guess we will be planning the upgrade for early new year. Two servers involved - One doing Journal Archive and one doing Mailbox Archive - EX2010 - also 1 DA server in the picture.