Forum Discussion

TJensen's avatar
Level 4
6 years ago

EVPM and Directory Error

Greetings all,

I'm having trouble running EVPM.

I get the following output:

Error parsing command file: F:\zap.ini, error follows:

Line number in error:   2
Section in error:   Directory
Attribute in error:
Value in error:
Error parsing the config (.ini) file

My zap.ini file looks like this:

DistinguishedName = /o=redacted/ou=Exchange Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=1a662457e14345e8a4e2fdabad35e8e8-Redacted Name
Name = Mailboxroot

Zap = True

What am I doing wrong?

  • You all set me on the right path. It wasn't spaces, it was line returns.

    I opened my zap file in NotePad++ (instead of Notepad) and saw that there was an extra line return. I removed the extra line return and it stopped complaining about the Directory name. 


  • Hi, 

    are you using the alias or the hostname of the ev-server for DirectoryComputerName? Have you tried both? 

    File is saved as Unicode? Which version of EV are you using?

    You could create a dtrace of the evpm process and share an abstract from it with us. 




    • GertjanA's avatar


      I had this years ago, and it puzzled me to madness.

      Eventually, I found (and I do not recall exact, but it was one of the two) that the DirectoryServer has a space behind the name in DNS or in the Directory database (not sure anymore which one).


      • CConsult's avatar

        seems right. for some reason "" has a space before its name (it has 4 instead of 3 spaces, compare it to the other ones)

  • It's telling you that the problem is with parsing the value "" as a DirectoryComputerName. I know you want to keep the information redacted, but are there any unusual characters or patterns in your domain name? Also, like Marcde suggested, a dtrace of EVPM ought to make things clearer.


  • You all set me on the right path. It wasn't spaces, it was line returns.

    I opened my zap file in NotePad++ (instead of Notepad) and saw that there was an extra line return. I removed the extra line return and it stopped complaining about the Directory name. 


    • Marcde's avatar

      This should not be an issue at all. However glad to hear you got it sorted out.