Forum Discussion

Abhijeet_Kakade's avatar
12 years ago

EV's cabaility of searching "Masked" archived files

In the default EV search tools(Integrated Search, Browser Search, etc) when we search on file extension, EV does not have the ability to find files that had the extension changed from the original file format. (E.g.: I change the 'xls' extension on a file to 'txt'. If i want to search for all 'xls' files, it will not find the “Masked” file I renamed to txt.) However, this is possible with "Clearwell"!

Question: Are there thoughts/Talks around including this capability in later versions of Enterprise Vault (i have tested it with 10.0.3 and it is not available)

  • You should really be addressing this question internally to Symantec EV Product Management - rather than these forums, right?

7 Replies

  • You should really be addressing this question internally to Symantec EV Product Management - rather than these forums, right?

  • @Rob, not all the folks with a Symantec Badge are Symantec employees, some are vendors or contractors with a SYMC email hence the badge.  If you have questions about someone you should forward their profile to Eileen.

    @Abhijeet Your post is more appropriate for the Ideas section.

  • And to be honest if anything, I would imagine this to be a DA or Clearwell enhancement (assuming DA can't do this already) as it would serve a greater purpose in a legal discovery than it would for end users imo
  • @Rob: Hey mate! Am pretty new to these forums, my priority was not "who i am sharing this with", it was more about how can i get a quick update on this! (These points came up as a discussion with customers in multiple training sessions. I have been with Symantec for 9 years now, in the discussions i braged how good the Symantec Connect forum is and wanted to get a quick check on the points above. I finish my training delivery this firday)


    @Tony: Hey Tony, thanks for your input, i shall mark this as an idea when i find out if the above are really limitations, are we thinking of involving this in the new versions etc.

    To Both: I was very excited seeing two new messages on this thread... i thought i might learn something technical!! :)

  • @JesusWept3: Hey mate! I understand where you coming from, however, this has been a common question to me in the past few trainings from the customers in Australia/ NZ... they gave me specific examples as to when the end users have clicked on "advanced find" and searched for "*.pdf" but did not find "the one" as it was emailed after changing the file extension. Yes! i asked him, why would someone do that... but thats not the point!! They have been wanting to understand the technical capabilities. Thanks by the way.