Forum Discussion

John_Santana's avatar
11 years ago

Exchange EVJournal does not available real time ?

Hi People,

Can anyone here please shed some light for me if there is any way according to the best practice to make sure that the email from Exchange Server journal mailbox is always available for users to be searched through EV search.asp page ?

Because at the moment, in my EV 9.0.4 architecture, it cannot be searched because the EV Backup job is backing up the Open Vault and Index location for 4-5 days mostly during the weekdays.

My assumption is that this EV journal should be instantaneous or nearly real time for any email since it is archiving continuously.



  • Hi John

    If your backup is taking 4-5 days then you really need to either re-evaluate your  EV design or backup strategy (perhaps both). If however there was just something that occured where the backup mode failed to be reset then its simply a case of waiting for everything to catch up again. Depending on the backlog and your system will determine how long it takes to catch up.


    Without more insight into your environment its difficult to recommend the best options for you. Regardless though your Journal archive should typically be very up to date with the latest content archived and searchable as you indicated above. 


9 Replies

  • Hi John,


    I believe users have permission on Journal archive to be available for users to search.

    If Index Volume(Used by Journal Archive) is in backupmode since past 4-5 days, then no Indexing will happen for the items archived in these days, because EV is in read only mode.

    Once you take index volume out of backup mode, the indexing will start happen, but still the items which are indexed already should be searchable.

    Archiving and indexing is an asynchronous process where archiving can happen ahead of indexing.

    And gradually indexing will index all the items which are archives.


    I hope it helps !!

  • Ok, thanks AJ,

    Does this means I will need to separate the existing EVJournal from the one and only EV VaultStore ?

    Because in my current setup, there is only one EV VaultStore for files and Email archiving (including EV Journal).

  • Hi John,


    I always recommend to have separate vault store for File system archiving , Journal archviing & Mailbox Archiving and sharing level set to within Vaultstore.


  • Hi John

    If your backup is taking 4-5 days then you really need to either re-evaluate your  EV design or backup strategy (perhaps both). If however there was just something that occured where the backup mode failed to be reset then its simply a case of waiting for everything to catch up again. Depending on the backlog and your system will determine how long it takes to catch up.


    Without more insight into your environment its difficult to recommend the best options for you. Regardless though your Journal archive should typically be very up to date with the latest content archived and searchable as you indicated above. 


  • Also worth remembering that it is not typical for users to have permissions on the journal archive. It is more of an ediscovery or administrative area.

  • Ghost,

    Thanks for the clarification, so in this case I must create another VaultStore to separate the items as follows:



    EVVaultStore1 has EVJournal, File System, and Exchange Mailbox


    so you suggesting:

    EVVaultStore1 - Exchange Mailbox only.
    EVVaultStore2 - Exchange EV Journal Mailbox only.
    EVVaultStore3 - FileSystem only.

  • Hello John,

    This backup, is that a full? Are you backing up your closed partitions also? perhaps you can exclude the closed ones (include them in a monthly full only) to speed up back-up.

    Advantage of seperating into stores is that you can backup one store at the time..



  • Hi Gertjan,

    Yes, it is full back up weekly of the Open VaultStore only.

    The VaultStore partition size is 1.48 TB and the Index size is 760 GB