Forum Discussion

Slack's avatar
Level 4
8 years ago

Exporting Search results

From the admin console, I have done a search for the things I need to find and got back 50,000 results (this is correct). I now need to export just these results to a PST. However, it seems like th...
  • plaudone1's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hi Slack,
    Generally, large or complex searches require Discovery Accelerator (DA) as it can perform the searches and export all results to PST.
    Enterprise Vault Search (EVS) is designed more for user day to day activity.

    There are some possible adjustments that can be made for the search results and the number of items that can be selected. I would suggest opening a Support case so the options can be discussed in more detail.


  • daveoflave's avatar
    8 years ago

    Hi Slack,

       Also consider editing the web.config that controls the new EVSearch in EV 11 and after; it's found here (If EV is installed on C: of course): 

    C:\Program Files (x86)\Enterprise Vault\EVSearch\EVSearchClient\Web.config

    It's got a couple of options that could mitigate your concen, such as: 

        <add key="ResultInitialRecordCount" value="100"/>
        <add key="ResultNextRecordCount" value="200"/>
        <add key="ResultMaxRecordOnCache" value="1100"/>
        <add key="ResultMaxRecordOnUI" value="500"/>
        <add key="ResultMaxRecordOnUIForIE8" value="300"/>
        <add key="ResultsMaxRecordsThatCanBeSelected" value="200"/>

    The highest I've ever tried to use or ever seen an organization use for these is 10,000.  This would allow you to make much larger exports in one step, though keep in mind that the defaults are there for a reason - normal IIS/Web server timeouts and other http limitations might cause poor peformance the higher you set these.  But I had a situation in which I needed to test the export of over 4,000 items to a zip and manipulating these values allowed me to get it done.  That's not your 50k number, but at least using this you could cut down your repeated steps to only a few. 


    As far as EV being an "Enterprise" product, I think it certainly archives at an "Enterprise" scale, and Veritas has touted the necessity for DA (as a separate purchase) as a means to perform targeted/detailed/bulk searches for many years.  But I would agree that the built-in Search is not the most robust.  LIke Mr. Laudone mentioned, it's more for users to retrieve particular handfuls of emails.  Hope this helps!