Forum Discussion

Sergy_Stouk's avatar
13 years ago

Extracting Files


Our active Volume with FSA data is 800GB on a Windows Server.

Free space left is 50GB

Total archived volume (if extracted from Vault) is close to 3TB.

We require to migrate this data to NetApp device which in turn requires an extraction of all the data into it's original form first.

We have mirrored the production disk into a 3TB disk, expanded the volume and mounted it on a separate windows server.

FSAUtility does not want to extract from that location.



1) Is there a way to use FSAUtility to extract files from original folder into an alternative location without converting shortcuts into the original files first?

2) Or Is there a way to fool FSAUtility and make it extract files from a disk copy mounted on a different server (manual extraction works fine and at the worst we could use a copy option to extract everything, but this is going to be a long and painful process and we'd prefer to use FSAUtility for his).


Thank you.




2 Replies

  • What do you mean that FSAUtility doesn't want to extract from that location?  Just tell it that it has to and to stop complaining.  :)

    The syntax JW2 post should work.  If it doesn't what errors do you see?