Forum Discussion

CadenL's avatar
Level 6
3 years ago

FSA archiving to new Vault Store

I have a single Vault store on my EV12 server which I use for file archiving from a single file server. I archive from a single top level folder and each subfolder has it's own archive and so I have about 20 archives only

I now have a need to ensure that all newly archived items from these same 20 folders are archived to a different set of archives in a completely new vault store. Can I just create the vault store and vault store partition and then reconfigure\recreate the folder archiving policies to use this vault store instead - Will it create the archives in the new vault store automatically, I'm not sure if it will complain about there already being an archive point associated with the folder.

many thanks

  • Hi,

    What is your goal ?
    If I understand you want archive the same folder in two different archive in two different Vault Store, old archiving files in the first archive and new files in the second archive ?
    That's possible, but I don't understand why you want make it.

    Or maybe you need to move your archive on a new Vault Store ?


  • Hi,

    What is your goal ?
    If I understand you want archive the same folder in two different archive in two different Vault Store, old archiving files in the first archive and new files in the second archive ?
    That's possible, but I don't understand why you want make it.

    Or maybe you need to move your archive on a new Vault Store ?


    • CadenL's avatar
      Level 6


      This is a little bit of a complicated situation but to try to provide more detail we're looking for a way forward under the circumstances that the business 'may' be commercially split into two separate companies. From a (yet to be decided) date, the company may split (almost overnight) and from this date the data can no longer be shared. Up until this date the business will operate as a single entity and it may never split so we can't pre-empt any future actions.

      The project files within this folder needs to be accessible by all the company employees until the date of the split and then only accessible by certain people and then it's likely that the data will then need to be moved to a different EV environment. So we're looking for an way to split the data quickly and at short notice and then also make it portable to a new EV site. All data is archived immediately and then removed from the file server once the prject closes.

      It's made slightly harder by the requirement that the data must also be autonomous and therefore SQL databases cannot be shared between the split companies - we've negotiated that the the data can reside (temporarily) within the same EV site so can share a directory database etc.

      Hope that helps.

  • Hi CadenL,

    The folders have hidden streams in them pointing to the archive/folder the items are archived to when the task runs. In order to reconfigure the best option would be to recall all of the data and delete all of the streams.  This can be done with streams.exe.  

    Once that is done you can re-target the folders and create new archive points on them so they each get an archive. Without recalling the data first you will have data split across archives and would have issues when trying to use FSAUtility. 



    • CadenL's avatar
      Level 6

      Thanks Patrick

      I'd rather avoid having to recall everything - but if that's the only option here then I'll have to work along those lines.
